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The Pra-Pāramita Heart Experience with Shin-Ming Saying



佛弟子法號 新明星 姓名 蘇耀南譯寫


Translated by Shin-Ming-Shing (buddhi-name of A-Budh-successor) whose worldly name is Yaw-Nan Su, Baŏ-An A-Budh-office, Holy-Buddhism Nation Mountain (聖國山), Lόng-flower-A-Budh-education (龍華佛教), Novelty-agreement (新約), Touch-Nil Gate (齋門), Touch-Nil Teaching (齋教), Lόng-Magnificence Sect (龍華派), Lín-Jii Purport, Buddhism.


Every volition of The Audio-visuality Nature Bodhisttva is at one’s buddhi-uses to utilize one’s right wisdom and then the mind arrives at the calm coast there of the buddhi nirva, every volition at above use to illumine and to utilize any thing-matter in lifeway, so bodhisattva can utilize material (色)-reception-thought-cycle-soul and can know five kinds of ingatherings (五蘊) which they are also from birth to extinction every time and inconstancy (無常), and then the mind is in without-greed-love, therefore can exceed three kinds of afflictions and eight kinds of afflictions and three kinds of catastrophes (三災) and every affliction etc.

Srari-doer ! Bodhisattva is fulfilling the deep Pra-pāramita, the mind is at without-greed-anger, bodhisattva to utilize eye-ear-nose-tongue-stature (身) and five ideas and material is the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity (同一智慧行為能力) that to know the inconstancy of every law, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the different utilization-styles. (不異,No-disparity).


To know eleven kinds of vacuumizings and to fulfill eleven kinds of vacuumizings are the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that at without-greed-anger to utilize material, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the utilization of different styles.


Bodhisattva knows that the lustrating mind-uses of at the style of the mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of buddhi one’s mind to utilize material is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind of fulfilling eleven vacuumizings (實行十一空).


Bodhisattva knows that the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind in vacuumizing-law (虛空) buddhi-gift is one’s the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of utilizing material to achieve the thirty two signs good-action.


Bodhisattva is fulfilling the deep Pra-Pāramita, the mind is at without-greed-anger, bodhisattva to know the sensation of happy-emotion and sore emotion and no-suffering emotion and no-happy emotion are the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that to know the inconstancy of every law, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the different utilization-styles.


To know eleven kinds of vacuumizings and to fulfill eleven kinds of vacuumizings are the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that at without-greed-anger to utilize reception, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the utilization of different styles.


Bodhisattva knows that the lustrating mind-uses of at the style of the mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of buddhi one’s mind to utilize reception is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind of fulfilling eleven vacuumizings.


Bodhisattva knows that the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind in vacuumizing-law buddhi-gift(佛性) is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of utilizing reception to achieve the thirty two signs good-action.


Bodhisattva is fulfilling the deep Pra-Pāramita, the mind is at without-greed-anger, bodhisattva to utilize the thought is the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that to know the inconstancy of every law, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the different utilization-styles.


To know eleven kinds of vacuumizings and to fulfill eleven kinds of vacuumizings are the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that at without-greed-anger to utilize thought, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the utilization of different styles.


Bodhisattva knows that the lustrating mind-uses(清淨心性) of at the style of the mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of buddhi one’s mind to utilize thought is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind of fulfilling eleven vacuumizings.


Bodhisattva knows that the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind in vacuumizing-law buddhi-gift is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of utilizing thought to achieve the thirty two signs good-action (成就三十二相善業).


Bodhisattva is fulfilling the deep Pra-Pārmita, the mind is at without-greed-anger, bodhisattva to utilize cycle or act or behavior is the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that to know the inconstancy of every law, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the different utilization-styles.


To know eleven kinds of vacuumizings and to fulfill eleven kinds of vacuumizings are the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that at without-greed-anger to utilize cycle or act or behavior, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the utilization of different styles.


Bodhisattva knows that the lustrating mind-uses of at the style of the mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of buddhi one’s mind to utilize cycle or act or behavior (運用行) is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind of fulfilling eleven vacuumizings.


Bodhisattva knows that the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind in vacuumizing-law buddhi-gift is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of utilizing cycle or act or behavior to achieve the thirty two signs good-action.


Bodhisattva is fulfilling the deep Pra-Pāramita, the mind is at without-greed-anger, bodhisattva to utilize eight kinds of policymakers are the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that to know the inconstancy of every law, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the different utilization-styles.


To know eleven kinds of vacuumizings and to fulfill eleven kinds of vacuumizings are the same buddhi-mind-wisdom-capacity that at without-greed-anger to utilize eight kinds of policymakers, the same lustrating one’s mind-wisdom-capacity produces the utilization of different styles.


Bodhisattva knows that the lustrating mind-uses of at the style of the mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of buddhi one’s mind to utilize eight kinds of policymakers is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind of fulfilling eleven vacuumizings.


Bodhisattva knows that the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of one’s mind in vacuumizing-law buddhi-gift is the buddhi lustrating mind-uses of utilizing eight kinds of policymakers (八種識) to achieve the thirty two signs good-action.


Srari-doer ! Thing or matter touches bodhisattva, the reception and one-seriation-law (受、一切法) touches bodhisattva, bodhisattva utilizes one-seriation-law and all laws to fulfill buddhi-vow-deed (菩提願行), the mind knows that one-seriation-law and every law are from birth to depletion and inconstancy, and then the mind is in the lustrating mind photo of without-greed-anger; bodhisattva knows that the first is an empty beginning without anything, from Nil produces the use (從無產生到有) that the style is named production (生), the process of production is in inconstancy and the end is extinction and depletion, to do the above usage and then the mind is at without-greed-anger, the above method is named No-reproducing (不生); bodhisattva knows that every law is in inconstancy, and then bodhisattva can make the buddhi lustrating use, the above method is named No-extinguishing (不滅); bodhisattva knows buddhi-mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of one’s mind, and fulfills buddhi-mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with the full about Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of one’s mind, and the mind is in without-ignorance-greed-anger, the above method is named No-reproducing; at buddhi-lustrating-mind-uses-instinct-lustrating of one’s mind to lastingly fulfill Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of one’s mind that the method is named No-extinguishing; bodhisattva fulfills Buddha-mind-clansman, the above method is named No-reproducing No-extinguishing.


Bodhisattva knows every law to be in inconstancy, and can utilize it to fulfill buddhi-vow-deed (菩提願行), the  method is named No-contaminating (不垢); bodhisattva lastingly to use will-making birth-depletion-law (有為生滅法) fulfills felicity-wisetion(慧)-vow-deed, and then the mind is in buddhi-mind-uses-instinct-lustrating (菩提心性本淨), the method is named No-catharsis (不淨).


Bodhisattva knows that buddhi-mind-uses of one’s mind is source and essence and lustrating and with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo, there is not an increase in one’s buddhi-lustrating-mind-uses when bodhisattva fulfills buddhi-gift (佛性), there is not a decrease in buddhi-lustrating-mind-uses of one’s mind when bodhisattva fulfills buddhi-gift to awake both each other (自覺覺他) and to profit both each other (自利利他), the method is named No-increasing (不增) No-reducing (不減)


Bodhisattva fulfills Pra-pāramita, knowing every thing in inconstancy, therefore bodhisattva at without-greed-anger to utilize material fulfills six ferrytions (無色能六度) and ten good-actions (十善業), and at without-greed-anger to utilize reception-thought-cycles-policymakers (無受想行識) fulfills the good-action of thirty-two signs (三十二相善業); and bodhisattva at without-greed-anger to utilize vision-hearing-nasal-tastable-flesh-will fulfills buddhi-vow-deed (無眼耳鼻舌身意); at without-greed-anger to utilize material-sound-fragrance-flavor-touch-law fulfills awakement both each other and profit both each other; bodhisattva at without-greed-anger to utilize eye-company(眼界) and ear-company (耳界) and nasal company (鼻界) and tastable company (舌界) and identity-company (身界) and consciousness-company (意識界) fulfills buddhi-felicity-wisetion(慧)-voluntary career (志業); knowing Pra-pāramita or knowing mind-uses-instinct-lustrating with  fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of one’s mind to issue buddhi-mind or knowing Buddha-mind-clansman (佛心宗) is named brightity (明) or is named Nil-ignorance (無無明); bodhisattva does not have an idea to extinguish ignorance because one’s mind is without ignorance when who fulfills brightity that the method is named Nil-ignorance or Nil-ignorance-ending(亦無無明盡).


Bodhisattva knows brightity and fulfills brightity to utilize the counter twelve nexus (逆十二連環) to do buddhi felicity-wisetion(慧)-vow-deed, bodhisattva at lustrating-brightity-mind can be in without-greed-love to do perceptibility and thought-training (無貪愛的觀想) and thinking and then can let eight kinds of policymakers become eight kinds of buddhi wisdom usages (將八種識轉為八種智運用), moreover at brightity to call all kinds of ideas or circumstances and to utilize six origins (運用六根) to touch-utilize six ideas (觸用六塵) and then one’s mind treats any reception in without-greed-love, to fulfill the kindness of the Nil-sake great charity and the identical substantiality great reliefty (實行無緣大慈與同體大悲的愛), furthermore at bright heart budh-genius (明心見性) to take-utilize (取用) a matters fulfills charity awakement both each other and profit both each other, the above buddhi lustrating mentality-words-deed good-motivation produces nirva peacefulness-happiness (安樂) good-result, therefore at mind-uses-instinct-lustrating of one’s mind utilizes volition-variation-producing-extinction (意念變異生死) and the changeful body-birth-death of the wave-life(身體分段生死) to widely ferry confluences that the above method is named Nil-dotage-death (無老死) or is named Nil-dotage-death-ending.


Bodhisattva fulfills brightity-mind buddhi-gift, does not utilize the easy elimination’s indulgence (利使) and the difficult elimination’s indulgence (鈍使), bodhisattva only makes brightity-ingathering (明集) that the method is named at Nil to treat collection (無集).

Bodhisattva fulfills brightity-mind buddhi-gift, does not utilize the easy elimination’s indulgence and the difficult elimination’s indulgence, bodhisattva knows the happy emotion and sore emotion and no-suffering emotion and no-happy emotion, but the mind is lastingly lustrating, the above method is named at Nil to treat distress (無苦).

Bodhisattva knows Pra-pāramita, knows the Buddha-mind-clansman, the mind fulfills brightity-mind buddhi-gift and teaches confluences,the above method is named at Nil to fulfill buddhi-road (無道).


Bodhisattva fulfills six ferrytions (六度) and the good-action of thirty-two signs (三十二相善業) buddhi-vow-deed, one’s mind in Nature natureifys nirva(涅槃) and at without-greed-love, the above method is named at Nil to extinguish affliction (無滅).


Bodhisattva learns dharma law, bodhisattva learns that at brightity-mind buddhi-gift to utilize will-making-law (有為法) and birth-depletion-law (生滅法) fulfills awakement both each other and profit both each other, bodhisattva buddhiifys and knows all kinds of buddhi-gate, the above wisdom method of the Nil-making is named at Nil to use wisdom (無智).


Bodhisattva fulfills brightity-mind buddhi-gift, bodhisattva knows that the will-making-law and birth-depletion-law are in inconstancy and it can not lastingly be held which the above method is named Nil-attainment (無得或無所得), bodhisattva knows that mind-uses-lasting lustrating with fullness in Nature-accordance wisdom-virtue-photo of one’s mind and one does not covet it or one does not want to attain it which the above method is named Nil-attainment, bodhisattva natureifys extrication (解脫) nirva (涅槃) the Nature-accordance’s utility body (如來之身) and bodhisattva is in without-ideagrasp or in without-holy-buddhism-grasp that the method is named Nil-attainment.


Bodhisattva at the mentality-words-deed of Nil-attainment fulfills buddhi-vow-deed, therefore one can fulfill the correct awakement both each other and profit both each other.


Bodhisattva believes in Pra-pāramita, according to Pra-pāramita and bodhisattva fulfills it, the volition of one’s mind does not be hung-hindered by ignorance and easy elimination’s indulgence and difficult elimination’s indulgence; at without-hang-hinder, the mind does not have existentialism and terror, the mind can stay away from the reverse life of the three existentialisms and four refluxs and the ocean of affliction, one’s mind can stay away from the greed-love-dreaming about the birth-depletion-law, one’s mind can natureify the lustrating-mood nirva and can stay away from to covet-love lustrating-mood nirva.


According to Pra-pāramita and all Buddhas of the three kinds of generations fulfill Pra-pāramita volition after volition, the mind at Nil-attainment natureifys A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi.


Doer fulfills Pra-pāramita, the buddhi-lustrating-mind-uses of one’s mind is Nil-side (無邊) Nil-continuation (無際) immensity (廣大) ingenuity (巧妙) to utilize any matters to fulfill awakement both each other and profit both each other, it is the knowables that Pra-pāramita is the great accumulation-dharani (大神咒); bodhisattva fulfills Pra-pāramita, can be at one’s buddhi-gift fulfills dharma law and great conveying (大乘) and Buddha-mind-clansman and buddhiity (開悟), and then bodhisattva in the future wave-life can natureify A-nuttara -samuak-sambodhi (於未來世能證無上正等正覺) and the exhaustive nirva (無餘涅槃), it is the knowables that Pra-pāramita is the great light-dharani (大明咒); bodhisattva fulfills Pra-pāramita, the lustrating-mind-uses does not be hindered by the will-making birth-depletion-law, the buddhi nirva is upper than the will-making birth-depletion-law (有為生滅法), buddhi nirva is the upper-most (最上) and is named Nil-up, bodhisattva in this wave-life (此世) fulfills Pra-pāramita can natureify samuak-sambodhi (證正等正覺) and nirva, bodhisattva fulfills Pra-pāramita wave-life after wave-life and then in the future wave-life can natureify A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi and the Exhaustive nirva, it is the knowables that Pra-pāramita is the Nil-up dharani (無上咒); bodhisattva fulfilled Pra-pāramita, the lustrating-mind-uses of one’s mind natureifyed buddhi nirva, any will-making birth-depletion-law with happy cannot compare with mind-uses-calmness-lustrating (心性寂淨) and cannot be the same grade as mind-uses-calmness-lustrating, therefore buddhi nirva is the only top and the other kinds or types cannot compare with buddhi nirva and the other kinds or types cannot be the same grade as buddhi nirva that Pra-pāramita is named Nil-equality-wait dharani (無等等咒); to learn Pra-pāramita, anyone fulfills Pra-pāramita that at this time who extinguished the resentment to increase in sore (怨憎會苦) and the request or inaccessibility to increase in adversity (求不得苦) and the parting pain of love (愛別離苦) and the continuous affliction (苦苦) and the sore of pain (苦苦) and the sore of thought (行苦) and reminiscent affliction (行苦) et cetera and then who certainly knows the true-reality and no falsity of Pra-pāramita, bodhisattva at the buddhi-gift of one’s mind to utilize will-making birth-depletion-law fulfills buddhi-vow-deed that at this time bodhisattva certainly natureifys buddhi nirva and then in the future wave-life can natureify A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi and the Exhaustive nirva, it is the knowables that anyone lastingly fulfills Pra-pāramita which can extinguish one-seriation-affliction, the Experience is true-reality and no falsity.


Therefore, to explicate Pra-pāramita dharani and in Pra-pāramita to say the dharani : ' Great charity-logic, great charity-logic (大慈悲真理), at endeavor to fulfill the buddhi-mind great charity-logic (力行菩提心大慈悲真理), at lasting endurance to fulfill the buddhi-mind the first meaning to harmonize-conform (和合) the great charity-logic (力行菩提心第一義和合大慈悲真理), buddhi lustrating-mood (究竟) roundness (圓滿) success(成就) .'.


The Pra-Pāramita Heart Experience with Shin-Ming saying

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Băo-An A-Budh-office, Holy-buddhism Nation Mountain(聖國山), Lόng-flower-A-Budh-education(龍華佛教),

novelty-agreement(新約), touch-Nil Gate(齋門), touch-Nil teaching(齋教), Lόng-Magnificence sect, Lín-Jii purport, Buddhism.