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Principle eleven  From meal giving to recur in the place of Nature


A-Buddha said, ‘Giving meals to one hundred evildoers are inferior to the giving meal to one well-doer (善人); giving meals to one thousand well-doers are inferior to the giving meal to one practicer of the five extinguish-wrongs; giving meals to ten thousand the practicers of the five extinguish-wrongs (飯五戒者萬) are inferior to the giving meal to one sudehun (須陀洹); giving meals to one million sudehuns are inferior to the giving meal to one sundeva (斯陀含); giving meals to ten million sundevas are inferior to the giving meal to one Ona (阿那含); giving meals to one hundred million Onas are inferior to the giving meal to one Orhan (阿羅漢); giving meals to one thousand million Orhans are inferior to the giving meal to one the apprenticeship-budh (辟支佛); giving meals to ten thousand million the apprenticeship-budhs are inferior to the giving meal to one A-Budh of three wavejackings of A-Budhs; giving meals to one hundred thousand million the three wavejackings of A-Budhs are inferior to the giving meal to one’s practicer of the Nil-vexation-will (無念) Nil-living (無住) Nil-misdoing (無修) Nil-witness (無證) with in recurrence that the practicer can preach No and Nature and dharma-law to living beings in this world. The wisdom meal is eaten by ten thousand million the apprenticeship-budhs who do not effectuate Nature (飯、百億辟支佛不如); the meal is the one Buddha way (一) that the buddhi doer can fulfill the perpetuation-body budh (法身佛) and the wisdom-body budh (報身佛) and the fulfillment of wisdom-body budh (化身佛) wave-life after wave-life to become an A-Budh, and the A-Budh Appellation can be put on the Name List Of A-Budhs (飯一三世諸佛); the wisdom meal is that hundred thousand million A-Budhs including A-Budhs before the present A-Buddha (過去諸佛) and the present A-Buddha and the future A-Budhs who eat the meal of No and Nature (飯、千億三世諸佛、不如飯), which the wisdom meal of fulfilling No and Nature is one way to fulfill Nil-vexation-will Nil-living Nil-misdoing Nil-witness (一、無念、無住、無修、無證), fulfilling No and Nature can natureify The Teacher Of Heaven And People then become a Teacher Of Heaven And People (證之者) that A-Buddha Sakyamuni and all A-Budhs before A-Buddha Sakyamuni are eating and fulfilling the wisdom meal to become The Teacher Of Heaven And People (證之者).’.

Principle eleven  From meal giving to recur in the place of Nature

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Băo-An A-Budh-office, Holy-buddhism Nation Mountain(聖國山), Lόng-flower-A-Budh-education(龍華佛教),

novelty-agreement(新約), touch-Nil Gate(齋門), touch-Nil teaching(齋教), Lόng-Magnificence sect, Lín-Jii purport, Buddhism.