Principle four To differentiate good and evil.
A-Buddha said, ‘ The confluence can fulfill ten kinds of events to make good, and can follow ten kinds of events to make evil. What are ten ? The body produces three, mouth produces four, volition produces three.’.
The three events of body are hurt or killing(殺), embezzlement(盜), impurity(淫); the four events of mouth are disturbing mouth(兩舌), oral abuse(惡口), falseness(妄言), adulatory speech or cajolery(綺語); the three events of volition are greed, anger or with envy(嫉恚), infatuating(癡); the above ten events are not in accordance with the Holy Buddhism(聖) and road, are named ten evil comportments. If the mind is in accordance with way that the evil are ceased, the deeds are named to fulfill ten good behavior.’.
Principle four To differentiate good and evil. Băo-An A-Budh-office, Holy-buddhism Nation Mountain(聖國山), Lόng-flower-A-Budh-education(龍華佛教), novelty-agreement(新約), touch-Nil Gate(齋門), touch-Nil teaching(齋教), Lόng-Magnificence sect, Lín-Jii purport, Buddhism. |