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The maintenance-peace praise(Bǎo-an-sòng)


  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, middle, The Tour-behavior Experience (遊行經), Constancy 3 (卷第三), The Long A-Hūṁ Experience (長阿含經), ‘Next, the piksu made a speech as follows: “I was in the other village, the other city, the other Nation, there are the harmony (和)-conforming (合)-sanghas (眾僧) who effectuate wide learning (多聞) and are the buddhi old doer (耆舊); when I personally heard the words from them, personally was instructed and then use those law, those rules, those teaching.”. Hearing of their words, while the hearer shall not doubt it and shall not damage it (從其聞者不應不信,亦不應毀); the hearer should be according to A-Budh’s Experience to reason that the people’s words is real or unreal, according to buddhi-rules and dharma to trace and examine the origin and end-all of the people’s words (當於諸經推其虛實,依律依法究其本末。)

  If the people’s words is not in accordance with A-Budh’s Experience, or not in accordance with buddhi-rules, or not in accordance with dharma, the Buddhist shall say the words to the people, “A-Buddha does not say this words. You learnt the fallacious words. Why do I say so? After I was according to A-Budh’s Experience, according to buddhi-rules, according to dharma, and then I found that the words said by you before infringes dharma and Buddha (我依諸經依律、依法,汝先所言,與法相違). The sage people! You do not accept the fallacious words or use it, do not say it to other, you shall abandon it (賢士!汝莫受持,莫為人說;當捐捨之。)”.’

  If the person’s words is in accordance with A-Budh’s Experience and in accordance with buddhi-rules and in accordance with dharma, the Buddhist shall say the words to the person──, “The words stated by you is real and was said by A-Budh. Why do I say so? After I was according to A-Budh’s Experience, according to buddhi-rules, according to dharma, and then I found that the words stated by you before is in congruity with dharma and Buddha (我依諸經,依律,依法,汝先所言.與法相應;). The sage person! You should receive it and effectuate it, and should widely preach it to other. Be careful! You do not abandon it.”. This is effectuating the second great teaching-method. (我依諸經,依律,依法,汝先所言.與法相應;賢士!汝當受持,廣為人說,慎勿捐捨。』, 此為第二大教法也。).

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, priority 14 (第十四), Peacefulness-happiness circulation Conduct (安樂行品), The Clever Law Lotus Flower Experience (妙法蓮華經)-, ‘Bodhisattva to treat sravak person (聲聞人) should not mention whose true name to speak of whose fault or evil, and should not mention whose true name to praise whose fineness.’.

  After respectfully reading A-Budh Experiences, A-Budh, The Teacher of Devas (Heaven) and People (天人師) gave the A-Budh’s guidance (佛令) to Buddhists who should crush down or break (摧破) the articles slandering A-Budh by spoilers (試道者) like lan-ch master shìh-zhu-hng (連遲大師釋諸宏比丘); the first thing, we should crush down or break those fallacies of diseases-corruption-collection (症訛集) written by spoiler.

  The Buddhists must be according to A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and dharma to examine and trace the origin and end-all what Buddhists have heard.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of buddhi-rules, Constancy 15, The At Origin-instincts Preaches One-seriation-purpose Department and Binayye-logic-matter (根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事), buddhi-rules treasury (律藏) ── …… “Piksu asked, ‘Piksu poured the dyed fluid onto the cloth?’. A-Budh said, ‘Piksu should not put the dyed fluid in the basin, and then throw the cloth in the basin, to avoid making the cloth with more dyed fluid.’. Piksu said, ‘There was dyed fluid flowing down when drying the cloth?’. A-Budh said, ‘Piksu should not pour too much dyed fluid on the cloth.’. Piksu said, ‘If the measure of area with dyed fluid is too little (或時染少) and then the cloth has little variegating (斑)- claretPlumRed (駁)?’. A-Budh said, ‘Not too much, not too little..……”.

  ……Piksu dyed cloth under the eaves and the dyed fluid polluted the ground. The worldly people and passengers saw it and asked, ‘Saints! What is the reason? On the ground has blood (此處得有流血)?’. Piksu replied, ‘Not blood. It is where I dye the cloth.’.……”

  After respectfully reading buddhi-rules and buddhi-prescriptions formulated by A-Budh(恭讀佛制定的戒律), the formulation of the bhiksuni and piksu formulated by A-Budh that they should only wear the colored cloth of variegating()- claretPlumRed()-mildew() with patches with right shoulder bared formulated by A-Budh which the cloth is named cassock. What are their seat that if the Piksu or bhiksuni refuses to wear the colored cloth of variegating-claretPlumRed-mildew with patches with right shoulder bared formulated by A-Budh and then the piksu or bhiksuni wears worldly clothings or one-color clothings or fine cassock or the clothing within five kinds of principal colors(五色之服)?

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of The A-Budh Preaches in Logic to Do Extirpation by Ones Experience (佛說法滅盡經)──‘A-Budh told Anan, “After I finished the great pra-nirva. The final period of dharma preaching, the preaching comes to an end. The bypaths of maras (devils) will thrive in this world of five adversity-turbidness (五逆濁世魔道興盛); the personnel of dharma education system will be infiltrated by maras (devils) who simulate sramans (魔作沙門) and then they undermine and destroy anybody at identity to fulfill A-Budh’s Experiences (壞亂吾道), they wear worldly clothing (著俗衣裳), or are happy to wear fine cassock, or the original cloth’s color of cassock within the clothing of five kinds of principal colors (袈裟五色之服), or the clothing within five kinds of principal colors (五色之服),”…’.

  After respectfully reading A-Budh Experiences, we know that the piksus and bhiksunis wearing worldly clothings or fine cassocks are devils. Piksu shih-zhu-hng wrote some books and the books have articles about his life comment, he in the articles said that he wore crew-neck dress (圓領衫) taking his bowl to beg food with mendicancy, he also said that many piksus refused to beg for food. He always wore crew-neck dress and it always was pretended to cassock.

  However? Piksu shih-zhu-hng should have worn the colored cloth of variegating-claretPlumRed-mildew with patches with right shoulder bared formulated by A-Budh and then taking his bowl to beg for food with mendicancy, while shih-zhu-hng wore the worldly clothing of the crew-neck dress and falsely claimed that it was cassock. He was a devil pretending sarman to undermine and destroy anybody at identity to fulfill A-Budh’s Experiences, he was a devil piksu wearing the worldly clothing in ming Dynasty.

  There were many articles slandering A-Budh by Piksu shih-zhu-hng. In slandering articles of the symptom-corruption-collection (症訛集 zhèng-é-jí) that he slandered nirva in Sanskrit as jí-miè (寂滅 quiet-extermination) in Chinese.

  How did The Teacher of Devas (Heaven) and People teach living creatures?

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, No.293 (Taisho Tripitaka in Large print), The Logicty A-Hūṁ Experience (雜阿含經,大正版)──, ‘The extremely profound point is that at Home preaches Nil-raising (所謂緣起); which is even more extremely profound point and even more difficult to perceive (倍復甚深難見). At Home preaches one-seriation with off-acquirement(一切取離), Nil-passion(愛盡), at Nil to do appetite(無欲), calmness-extinction(寂滅), nirva(涅槃), ’.

  With respect to read and translate the part of Experience from A-Budh Experiences, it is knowable that effectuating from samadhi-wisetion No.1 is one-seriation with off-acquirement (行定慧一是一切取離), effectuating to samadhi-wisetion No.4 is calmness-extinction (至定慧四是寂滅), the order 5 is nirva (次序五是涅槃). Piksu shih-zhu-hng slandered nirva as jí-miè in Chinese (釋諸宏謗涅槃即中文的寂滅), and then he became the Master zhu-hng enlarging and expanding the afflictions of six kinds of bystreets and three kinds of astray bystreets (而成為弘六道三塗苦厄的諸宏大師).

  The writings of Touch-Nil Gate (齋門), Touch-Nil Teaching (齋教), Lόng-Magnificence Sect (龍華派), Lín-Jii purport (臨濟宗), Buddhism; ‘The Five-A-Budh-six-A-Budh Register (五步六冊)’ is to edify the buddhi successors (法嗣)-the exponents of chief command ()-preaching and popularity (傳承)-treasury and typification (寶典); ‘The Five-speed-six-Budh-A-register (五部六冊)’ is to edify recurrence in great variety- the conductive succession-source with uses (太空傳承本), also is test book.

  At the right motivation and in the sake motivation to do buddhi-vow-deeds, the A-Budh successors are willing to disseminate dharma. A-Budh successors from Lng Magnificence Sect, Lín-Jii purport, Buddhism thought of the living creatures in outlying mountainous areas or deserts that they may be too poor and they can not invite A-Budh Experience in home to read, they may have money and they do not have any chance to invite A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine in home to read.

  The Teacher of Devas (Heaven) and People (天人師), A-Budh, gave A-Budh edict to compile ‘The Five-A-Budh-six-A-Budh Register (五步六冊) and the Five-speed-six-Budh-A-register (五部六冊)’. But the infatuating stuff shih-zhu-hng slandered it as ‘most of the fool following it’.

  In The Five-A-Budh-six-A-Budh Register (五步六冊) or The Five-speed-six-Budh-A-register (五部六冊), those are both translated what A-Budh said as ‘Don’t make any evil notion, then fulfills all good thoughts, the volition is in accordance with one’s lustrating, from congruence to A-Budh is the education said by all A-Budhs.’. It also translates some Experiences as The Great Treasury Experience (大寶積經), The Greatness-pra-nirvana Experience (大般涅槃經), The Greatness-exactness-immensity Buddha Lotus Flower Solemnizing Experience (大方廣佛華嚴經), The Clever Law Lotus Flower Experience (妙法蓮華經), The Metal-immortality Pra-Paramita Experience (金剛般若波羅蜜經), The Greatness on the Top of A-Budh Head to Show Nature-Accordance the Secret-motivation Fulfillment-natureity the Only One Meaning and all Bodhisattvas in Budh Behavior The Chief Leng-yan Experience (大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經), The Greatness-exactness-immensity-perfection-awakement-sutra-the only one meaning Experience (大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經), A-Budh Preaches the Four No-attainment Experience (佛說四不可得經), The Greatness-convenience A-Budh to Repay One’s Kindness Experience (大方便佛報恩經), etc.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, orderly conduct’s priority 1 (序品第一), Constancy 1 (卷第一), The Constant One A-Hūṁ Experience (增壹阿含經)──Kasya asked, “What poemity (偈) can represent that the instincts issues and produces thirty seven buddhi-conducts and all dharmas (何等偈中出生三十七品及諸法)?”.

  On that occasion, Venerable Anan said the poemity, “Don’t make any evil notion, then fulfills all good thoughts, the volition is in accordance with one’s lustrating, from congruence to A-Budh is the education said by all A-Budhs (諸惡莫作,諸善奉行,自淨其意,是諸佛教).”.

  “The doer can be at home to use instinct and then does not make all evil deeds(所以然者,諸惡莫作), then the mind is in accordance with dharma and instincts to issue and produce one-seriation-good and dharma-law (是諸法本,便出生一切善法); in buddhi vow to produce good and method, the mind arrives at lustrating and the intention trends toward lustrating (以生善法,心意清淨), in congruence and in recurrence. Kasya! All A-Budhs, The Veneration of the World (世尊), lastingly use their will-act and body-act and oral-act (意行,口行,身行) to lead their will-behavior and oral-behavior and body-behavior to fulfill lustrating (諸佛世尊身、口、意行,常修清淨).”.

  Kasya thought of the question and asked, “How about? Anan! At The Constant One A-Hūṁ Experience can only issue and produce thirty seven buddhi-conducts and all dharmas. Can in the rest Experiences as four A-Hūṁ Experiences also issue and produce it?”.

  Anan replied with the words, “A (ah) is Nil. The mind can be at Nil to handle difficulty and to report the compendium by words that hum is lustrating and the mind can believe A-Hūṁ and can place oneself at A-Hūṁ. Kasya! The meaning of Experiences in four A-Hūṁ, the meaning of any poemity teaches living creatures who can be at one to effectuate poemity to preach middle way which has completely has the full wisdom education of becoming Buddhas and the education of apprenticeship-budh (辟支佛) and sravak (四阿含義,一偈之中,盡具足諸佛之教及辟支佛聲聞之教).…….”.

  But, in the symptom-corruption-collection(症訛集 zhèng-é-jí) written by prescriptions-breaking piksu shih-zhu-hng slandered it as he discarded and tabled all acts and behavior of dharma, the stupid words said by zhu-hng is a sad thing.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, Constancy priority 6 (卷第六) The Greatness on the Top of A-Budh Head to Show Nature-Accordance the Secret-motivation Fulfillment-natureity the Only One Meaning and all Bodhisattvas in Budh Behavior The Chief Leng-yan Experience (大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經)- ‘The awakement-wisdom ocean-uses is always in pureness and perfection (覺海性澄圓), the mind at the perfection-pureness perceives one’s instincts with instinct (圓澄覺元妙); at ingenuity with brilliance illumines home and belongings and issue and products (元明照生所); the home is showing the footing-illumination-uses in variableness (所立照性亡). If the person knows that the fascinating and confusing operation is showing the vacuumizing-law (迷妄有虛空); the mind can be at vacuum to lead volition to do variety to create the world (依空立世界). When to treat the memory and thought are in pureness who arrives at country and domain (想澄成國土), if the mind is in consciousness or sense or perception who is living in confluences (知覺乃眾生). If the mind from vacuum to create great awakement to do middle (空生大覺中), the Nature’s wisdom behavior is as that the ocean produces one bubble and next bubble one after one (如海一漚發), the will-making as sand-glass forms many tiny idea notions which are produced on the basis of variety (有漏微塵國,皆依空所生); the disintegration of the bubble into depletion is showing variety and instincts with Nil (漚滅空本無); what are the situation of all three kinds of existences one after one?, The mind revert to source and one’s uses is showing Nil-duality (況復諸三有,歸元性無二); at prescription the mind can use the conscious one after one.(point) the holy uses is showing at Nil to do ease and smoothness and is showing No-common failing (方便有多門.聖性無不通), meeting satisfaction or dissatisfaction is in accordance with prescription and instincts to treat heart-photo (順逆皆方便). With primary thought to use origin-inlet-inputs fulfills samadhi (初心入三昧), the tardy operation and fast operation are different grades (遲速不同倫), ……’.

  After reading Leng-Yan Experience, we can see that ‘The will-making as sand-glass forms many tiny idea nations which are produced on the basis of variety; the disintegration of bubble into depletion is showing variety and instincts with Nil.’. Therefore ‘VacuumizingNil-vexation-photo(無相)Nil-inclination and then at Nil to fulfill buddhi vow(無願)’Pra-Paramita(般若波羅蜜)the only perpetuation-conveying (唯一佛乘); the A-Budh successors(佛弟子) know and fulfill ‘vacuumizing and variety’(佛弟子知行空), then know and fulfill ‘Nil-vexation-photo’ and ‘Nil-inclination and then at Nil to fulfill buddhi vow’, and then issuing buddhi mind to fulfill pra-paramita to do awakement both each other and profit both each other. But the spoiler(試道者) of shih-zhu-hng abandoned ‘Nil-vexation-photo and Nil-inclination and then at Nil to fulfill buddhi vow and pra-paramita’, shih-zhu-hng only grasps and persists in part vacuum, zhu-hng himself abandoned to fulfill six ferrytion to arrive at Buddha behaviors(宏仔自己捨棄六度萬行), and then he slandered other Holy Buddhism() and philosopher.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience The Logicty A-Hūṁ Experience (雜阿含經, No.293, Da-Jenq edition, Greatness-depository Experience, Taisho Tripitaka in Large print)- ‘Nature or beach this are two kinds of ways (如此二法) ; who are called the will-making doer (謂有為), the Nil-making will making doer.(point) to effectuate way to use creation wherewith producing (無為 有為者.若生); wherewith living (若住), wherewith variation (若異), where with extinction (若滅). The Nil-making doer.(point) No-reproducing (不生), No-living (不住), No-disparity (不異), No-extinguishing (不滅); ……’.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, Constancy 4 (卷第四), The Greatness on the Top of A-Budh Head to Show Nature-Accordance the Secret-motivation Fulfillment-natureity the Only One Meaning and all Bodhisattvas in Budh Behavior The Chief Leng-yan Experience (大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經)- ‘Anan! What kind of wisdom behavior can be named the first meaning’s doer (第一義者)? If you and other hope to abandon sravak behavior, hope to fulfill bodhisattva conveying and to enter A-Budh-knowledge-fulfillment (入佛知見), you should carefully perceive the motivation-territory-issuing mind (因地發心) and the results-territory-awakement (果地覺) that both are same or different? Anan! What is the base of the motivation-territory? If the persona bases the birth-depletion mind on the cause of beginning and the cause of fulfillment and then who hopes to arrive at the only perpetuation conveying (佛乘) with No-reproducing and No-extinguishing, the persona will get without-any right conduct (若於因地,以生滅心為本修因而求佛乘不生不滅,無有是處). To base on the congruence meaning one after one (以是義故), you should discern and understand that all the worlds and implements and operational laws are obedient to variation (異) and extinction.’.

  After respect to read The Logicty A-Hū Experiences(雜阿含經) and Leng-yan Experience(楞嚴經), it is knowable that producing(), living(), variation(), extinction() are the will-making-law(是有為法), if the persona bases on will-making-law and then hopes to arrive at the only perpetuation-conveying with No-reproducing No-extinguishing that the persona is living in the devil state.

  But Piksu shih-zhu-hng bragged about the will-making-law of “all days’ action” and he told lie to say it as “real making, his fallacy infringed dharma and Buddha(他的謬語與佛法相). If anybody makes “all days’ action” who should get ignorance and the afflictions of six kinds of bystreets and three kinds of astray bystreets. Zhu-hng disseminated the afflictions of six kinds of bystreets and three kinds of astray bystreets that he is adept at hurting people.

  After respectfully translating and reading the part of Experience from The Tour-behavior Experience of The Long A-Hūṁ Experiences (長阿含經、遊行經), we can read that The Teacher of Devas (Heaven) and People, A-Budh, taught A-Buddh successors as “Hearing of their words, while the hearer shall not doubt it and shall not damage it(從其聞者不應不信,亦不應毀); the hearer should be according to A-Budh’s Experience to reason that the people’s words is real or unreal, according to buddhi-rules and dharma to trace and examine the origin and end-all of the people’s words(當於諸經推其虛實,依律依法究其本末。)”. Therefore, the Nature-Home Bodhisattva Lu-Yin respectfully to translate Experiences from A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine to disseminate the Nature-Home-logic-gate (弘揚在家法門) and to preach Buddha and dharma.

  But this spoiler shih-zhu-hng wrote a book of symptom-corruption-collection (症訛集) and he slandered the behavior of Bodhisattva Lu-Yin as desultorily citing A-Budh Experiences. Piksu shih-zhu-hng had a lot of writings, most of his writings were desultorily copied from devil thought or were collected from the sentence of other persons, he infringed dharma and Buddha from the beginning to the end, it is a real sad thing; the rest writings or poems written by him nearly had nothing to do with the dharma, it only had the social words talking about landscapes or life, zhu-hng lived a life quite socially and certainly that he did not understand the dharma.

  After respectfully reading A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine, then to reason zhu-hng’s articles is real or unreal, to trace and examine the origin and end-all of the articles written by zhu-hng.

  Then we can be sure that Piksu shih-zhu-hng is a devil piksu who did not wear the colored cloth of variegating-claretPlumRed-mildew with patches with right shoulder bared formulated by A-Budh, zhu-hng destroyed the wisdom-education system of Nil-quota (無量) dharma buddhi-gate (法門) and he is a icchantika (一闡提 severing good and the root).

  Hng-zǎi destroyed buddhi-prescriptions and slandered A-Budh; it is impossible for hng-zǎi to understand the Nil-making law. Therefore he wrote such stupid articles to slander A-Budh. The articles are just the descriptions of zhu-hng himself who wrote the articles to slander the A-Budh assistant Lu-Yin. It is really a very sad thing.

  Hng-zǎi destroyed one’s Buddha behavior and slandered A-Budh, hng-zǎi destroyed the wisdom-education of The Sixth Good-teacher Platform Experience (六祖壇經) and slandered The Sixth Good-teacher Platform Experience, hng-zǎi destroyed the wisdom-education of the Nature-Home-Bodhisattva Lo-Yin and slandered the Nature-Home-Bodhisttva Lo-Yin (毀謗羅因在家菩薩), hng-zǎi also slandered that A-Budh assistant Lo-Yin did not understand the Nil-making-law.

  At Nil-attainment according to A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and dharma with respect to translate the part of Experience, The Metal-immortality Pra-Paramita Experience (金剛般若波羅蜜經)- A-Budh told the buddhi seeker that “All conglomerate of things and conglomerate of photos are also in inconstancy and unreality, ending is destruction. The buddhi seeker can be at buddhi to handle the worldly affairs (凡), possessions (所有) and photos who can be at congruence to use the worldly inventional affairs to preach dharma-law. If perceiving, every photo , Non-photo, inside, to recur Nature-Accordance. (凡所有相,皆是虛妄。若見、諸相、非相、即、見如來.)”.   

  When respectfully reading A-Budh Experiences or The Greatness-Depository Experience (大藏經) printed in ancient time, you will find that there are no dots or punctuations at all. Therefore, when Buddhists read A-Budh Experiences totally without any punctuations, they should respectfully to effectuate dharma, think cautiously and clearly on the words and sentences.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, The Metal-immortality Pra-Paramita Experience- “At Nature   , I understand the meaning said by A-Budh, at Nil-purpose-constancy-law (無有定法) popularizes A-nuttara-samuak-sambudhi.(point) at Nil-purpose-constancy-law (亦無有定法), to be Nature-Accordance (如來).   can be preached (可說), how to treat idea (何以故), the preaching said by Nature-Accordance (如來所說).(point) any law is used with No-acquiring (法皆不可取).(point) No-tale (不可說).(point) Non-thing (非法).(point) Non-holdfast (非非法), how about the range of doer, any philosopher or sacredist.(point) all base on the Nil-making-law to be decided differentiation in levels (一切賢聖.皆以無為法而有差別)”

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, The Metal-immortality Pra-Paramita Experience (金剛般若波羅蜜經)- “The Veneration of the world! Today I heard such a profound Experience and I heard Nature-Congruity-Experience-Typification (我今得聞如是經典), belief-understanding-reception-fulfillment (信解受持).(point) No-excesses to surmount insatiableness and hardship (不足為難); One’s common person one after one respects identity that now I find and I can learn the way which teaches Nature-congruence-experience-type, I trust the way to be able to free oneself from affliction (信解), and then I can receive and fulfill No-excess to handle any sufferings (受持不足為難); at a future period.(point) in the last five hundred years.(point) there is any confluence who hope to learn and effectuate congruence Experience (其有眾生得聞是經), to believe-understand-receive-fulfill (信解受持), the doer in congruence is at inside to effectuate the One and Oneness (是人即為第一希有); how about fulfillment and recurrence? The doer effectuates Nil-Solipsist-photo, Nil-pedigree-photo Nil-living-being-photo, Nil-longlived photo; how about the base and fulfillment (所以者何)? I photographs inside and congruence and Non-photo (我相即是非相); if to meet pedigree-photo or living-being-photo or longevity-photo, instincts-congruence and Non-photo (即是非相). How about fulfillment and recurrence? To make deed with off to use the one-seriation (一切) and with off to use the all of seriate photos (諸相) is named all of seriate Buddhas.”.

  After respectfully to read and translate A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine, Buddhists should listen to dharma, think and effectuate dharma, effectuate buddhi-prescriptions (戒) and samadhi (定) and wisetion (慧) then the behavior in accordance with A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules (律) and dharma to do awakement both each other and profit both each other.

  It has been six hundred years since English came to China in ming Dynasty. English is also a universal language in the globe. Hng-zǎi and many people who know English did not understand the Nil-making-law, so their translations are many kinds of slanderings and destroyings. Or they just translated Chinese in sound as English, causing a language gap. Those from English department can not understand these ‘gap terms’.

  Upasaka good-fineness-sanghas (優婆塞善好僧) from Baǒ-An A-Budh office (保安堂), Holy-Buddhism Nation Mountain (聖國山), Touch-Nil Gate (齋門), Touch-Nil Teaching (齋教), Lόng-Magnificence Sect (龍華派), Lín-Jii Purport (臨濟宗), Buddhism has translated more than seven hundred words (now more than thousand) or terms from A-Budh Experiences. Among them, there are a lot of newly-created words. A-Budh’s ten appellations (佛十號) are translated as ten appellations in English completely. In Sanskrit Budh is in perfection to recur in and preach A-Budh, Budh-A; Budha. Buddha.

  如來 (Rú-Laí.): A-Budh successors from Baǒ-an A-Budh office translated 如來 (Rú-Lái.) as Nature-Accordance. Those fire-light spoilers translated it in sound as Ju-lai.

  善逝 (Shàn-shì.   ): A-Budh successors who fulfill the Bodhisattva way from Baǒ-An A-Budh office translated 善逝 (Shàn-shì.   ) as Willingness-will. Those spoilers translated it as well departed.

  世尊 (Shìh-zun.   ): A-Budh successors from Baǒ-An A-Budh office translate 世尊 (Shìh-zun.Baghavan) as The Veneration of the World. Who is slandered and translated as Lord of the world by those spoiler (those slander Baghavan as lord of the worlds.)

  觀世音菩薩 (Guān-shì-yin-pú-sà): The A-Budh Successors (佛弟子) preaching Bodhisattva way (弘菩薩道) from Bǎo-An A-Budh office (保安堂) translated Guān-shì-yin-pú-sà as The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva in the only one meaning (了義). But those personas of destroying buddhi-prescriptions and forbidden guilts translated it as The goddess of mercy.

  觀自在菩薩(Guān-zi-zài-pú-sà) : The upasaka good-fineness-sanghas from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translated Guan-zì-zài-pú-sà as The Audio-visuality Nature Bodhisattva. But those fire light and the rest of the spoilers have no ability to translated it with the only one meaning.

  (zhai): A-Budh successors from Baǒ-An A-Budh office at Nil-attainment translated zhai as touch-Nil with the only one meaning. Those spoilers have no ability to translated it.

  戒 (jiè) : A-Budh successors from Baǒ-An A-Budh office effectuate the right equal buddhi-prescriptions (持正平等戒) translated 戒 (jiè) as extinguish-wrong with the only one meaning or as A-Budh-words or as buddhi -prescriptions (戒). Those prescriptions-breaking personas only put it as rule, prohibition, command and the rest.

  南無 (nn-w): The Sanskrit “Nam” in Middle India or South India was pronounced as 那 (nà) or 南 (nn). The only one meaning in Chinese translates it as 南 (nn). “Nām-A” is being pronounced as nama and then it was translated and pronounced as “那謨”, which is wrong. The fulfilling the only perpetuation-conveying’s A-Budh successor from Bao-An A-Budh office with Nil-attainment translates nam-A as “to recur in Nil”, But those spoilers of fire light and the rest still wrongly pronounce it as namah or namo.

  無 (w): In Hindi, 無 (w) is pronounced A. The A-Budh successor from Bao-An A-Budh office (保安堂佛弟子) translates 無 (w) as Nil, Hindi A and Chinese 無 (w) and English Nil are accordant, therefore we only can use Nil to do the real meaning's translation. However, example, those spoilers of ā-hόng (tumult and disputation 阿訌), yn-zăi, fire light and the rest, fundamentally they do not understand what is vacuumizing, real, Nil, Non, No.

  無相 (ú-sìang): A-Budh successors effectuating vacuumizing and Nil-vexation-photo and Nil-inclination and at Nil to fulfill buddhi vow from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translated 無相 (ú-sìang) as Nil-vexation-photo, Nil-vexation-photo is simple and expressing, and perfectly with fulfillment seriation. But those spoilers of fire light and the rest translated it as without form or no marks. Even obtaining a doctor degree in English Literature, they are only at the level of social wisdom. As to not, without, Nil, nought or no, do they carefully observe and study the talking habit of the people from English Department?

  無為 (w-we): A-Budh successors, Upasaka good -fineness-sanghas from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate 無為 (w-we) as Nil-making. But those spoilers of fire light (火光) and the rest do not understand that what is w-we (無為, Asamskrta), so they slanderously translated 無為 (w-we) as non-active or not subject to cause.

  無生(wú-sheng) : Buddhists from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translated 無生(wú-sheng) as Nil-birth.

  無生義(wú-sheng-yì) : A-Budh successors effectuating the Nil-birth patience with Nil-attainment translated 無生義(wú-sheng-yì) as significance of Nil-productiveness.

  無生法忍(wú-sheng-fǎ-rěn): A-Budh successors, upasaka good-fineness-sanghas, translated 無生法忍(wú-sheng-fǎ-rěn) as the Nil-creation-logic-patience. Wú-sheng, wú-sheng-yì and wú-sheng-fǎ-rěn, all contain the word “sheng”, while in English, it is translated into different words. These are not within the imagination of ā-hόng or ā-yán or fire-light(火光) spoilers.

  襌 (chán):Upasakas from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate 襌 (chán) as Nature-action. But spoilers from ho-guang-mountain or the rest translated it as meditation or reflection. They did not know what is 襌 (chán) at all.

  智 (zhì) 與 慧 (huì) 與智慧 (zhì-huì) : A-Budh successors (佛弟子)from Bǎo-An A-Budh office (保安堂) translate 智 (zhì.Jñāna) as the created word wisement, knowing buddhi lustrating use is named wisement (智). Interestedly effectuating dharma is named 慧 (huì) that A-Budh successors from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate it as the created word wisetion (慧). Therefore those húo X and the rest spoilers translate it as wisdom or understanding, etc.

  證 (zhèng):Upasakas effectuating the only perpetuation-conveying from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate 證 (zhèng) as the created words Natureify(v) and Natureity(n). Those fire light spoilers (火光試道類) do not know that what is 證 (zhèng) with the buddhi upward behavior process (不知證的修行程序), they just translate 證 (zhèng) as to prove or testify or substantiate and the rest.

  悟 (wù): A-Budh successors effectuating the upper conveying (最上乘佛弟子) at Nil-attainment translate 悟 (wù) as the created words buddhiify(v.) and buddhiity(n.). But, those fire light spoilers are not able to effectuate it interestedly.

  歸命 (gui-mìng).皈依 (gui-yi) :A-Budh successors issuing buddhi mind (發菩提心) from Bǎo-An A-Budh office at Nil-attainment Nil-attainment Nil-attainment translate 歸命 and 皈依 as the created words buddhiize(v) and buddhizing(n), 歸依 as the created words ‘to revert to’ and revertment(n). However, those húo × and the rest slander dharma to translate it as turn or rely.

  識 (shì and other kinds of 識): A-Budh successors, Upasaka good-fineness-sanghas from Bǎo-An A-Budh office regard policy-maker as the best translation of 識(shì) in eight kinds of 識, so we take it as the translation. As to the other kinds of 識.藏識 (zàng-shì) is translated as treasure-gift, 意識界 (yì-shì-jìe) is translated as consciousness-company, 識陰 (shì-yìn) is translated as soul-accumulation, 身識 (shen-shì) is translated as body-decision-maker, 意識 (yì-shì) as the original English translation, the conscious. However, fúo × spoilers only know the conscious with smart-argument (識道類只會世智辯聰的識) and then they translate it as perceiving or recognizing or discerning or understanding or the rest, they do not know what is 識 (shì) and how to use it, but just copy or scrape some words together disorderly and confusedly.

  五陰 (wǔ-yin): The issuing-mind upasakas from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate 五陰 (wǔ-yin) as five undertones. But, those spoilers húo × and the rest completely do not know what are 五陰 (wǔ-yin) and completely do not know what are 五蘊 (wǔ-wūn), so they regard the two terms as one and one function; they can only destroy the wisdom-education system of dharma and slander the dharma, and they do not focus on one’s inside natureity (而不重視內證). If he or she does not effectuate the inside natureity that he or she can not exterminate ignorance and three viruses (三毒) and guilt-consequence (罪業) and the rest; he or she shall be like zhu-hng (諸宏) and yn-zǎi (岩仔) and dé-qing (德輕) and the rest whose doing are in cheat for fame or benefits or offerings, then makes the guilt in the vilification to logic (而犯謗法罪).

  五蘊 (wǔ-wūn): Upasakas from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate 五蘊 (wǔ-wūn) as five kinds of ingatherings, translate 想蘊 (xiǎng- wūn) as thought-accumulation, translate 色蘊 (sè-wūn) as material-accumulation, and translate 色陰 (sè-yin) as stature-undertone. There is one word, ‘sè’ in 色陰 (sè-yin. stature-undertone) and 色蘊 (sè-wūn. material-accumulation), while being functioned differently, so being put in different words in English. There is one word, ‘yin’ in 五陰 (wǔ-yin) and 色陰 (sè-yin), while also being functioned differently, so being put in different words in English. But those spoilers of húo x and the rest translate it as cumulation or substance or aggregate, etc. They do not know how the five kinds of ingatherings function at all, it is a deplorable thing that they make mistake both each other.

  法身(fǎ-shēn), 報身(bào-shēn), 化身(hùa-shēn), 應身(yìng-shēn): 法身(fǎ-shēn) is the foundation of all laws(法身是諸法的依據). 報身(bào-shēn) represents that wisdom can perceive and report and utilize, pronouncing boddhi-body and bào-shen in Fu-Jian dialect (hé-luò dialect), we can know that bodh has a similar pronunciation with bào. 法身 (fǎ-shēn) lastingly functions with the only one operation way, perpetuation. Upasaka good-fineness-sanghas, A-Budh successors from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate 法身 (fǎ-shēn) as perpetuation-body, translate 報身 (bào-shēn) as the wisdom-body, translate 化身 (hùa-shēn) as the fulfillment of the wisdom-body, translate 應身 (yìng-shēn) as resultant body. But those devil piksus of húo-X-mountain and the rest with slander translate it as the absolute body (God or Absoluter) or spiritual body (spiritual or religious or lofty); those devil piksus absolutely neglect the functioning of stature-undertone or material-accumulation and the first five kinds of origins (與前五根的運作), they slander 法身(fǎ-shēn) as the level of devas or God (還將法身謗為天神級或上帝級); those devil piksus of húo-X-mountain and the rest also with slander translate 報身 (bào-shēn) as the body of bliss, those spoilers do not understand it and then slander dharma and write fallacy.

  無餘涅槃 (wú-yú-nìe-pán) : A-Budh successors effectuating the only perpetuation-conveying from Bǎo-An A-Budh office translate 無餘涅槃 (wú-yú-nìe-pán) as the exhaustive Nirva, translate 有餘涅槃 (yoǔ-yú-nìe-pán) as the nirva of the lack-buddhi-mind; A-Budh successors effectuate the one deed (一行).(point) 無餘涅槃(wú-yú-nìe-pán) and then are able to translate 無餘涅槃 as the exhaustive Nirva with the only one meaning (了義), and simply translate 有餘涅槃 (yoǔ-yú-nìe-pán) of orhan (阿羅漢) and the apprenticeship-budh (辟支佛) as the nirva of the lack-buddhi-mind in English word correctly; every thought and volition will meet two kinds of choices.(point) that is in accordance with buddhi-prescriptions and samadhi and wisetion to do good.(point) or with mistake to follow ignorance and greed-anger-infatuating to make guilt. Therefore, The Teacher of Devas (Heaven) and People, A-Budh preached dharma to help living-beings who can know what is affliction and how they can go far away from affliction, the four holy logic (四聖諦) are extremity-collection (集)-extinction-buddhi experience (道).(point) and then knowing extinction and to fulfill buddhi way recurrently. What is mind extrication? Mind-extrication is like that driving the Maha pra-ship (great conveying-ship) exceeded the middle of the afflictive stardust-gathering-river (星點河).(point) living-beings on the ship are in relief which is the mind on the middle of river with extinguishing annoy (而眾生放心了的「中途心煩惱滅」. The nirva of the lack -buddhi-mind (有餘涅槃) is like that driving the Maha pra ship (摩訶般若船 the great conveying pra-ship) arrives at the bank of lustrating coast there.(point) and the orhan does not know who shall leave the great conveying pra-ship and steps onto lustrating coast there.(point) whose upward behavior’s level is like that the mind arrives at the extinguishing annoy of beside coast (近岸的煩惱滅), the exhaustive Nirva of orhan.(point) the example is at Nature driving the Maha pra-ship arrives at the bank of lustrating coast there and the orhan wants to leave the ship then to learn ‘the leaving ship-knowledge-fulfillment (離船知見)’ and to learn ‘the lustrating coast there-knowledge-fulfillment (清淨彼岸知見)’. The Nirva of perpetuation-body class one bodhisattva (初地菩薩的涅槃).(point) the example is that the doer has left the ship and then the doer from the zone between rising tides and falling tides goes to the Nirva of A-Budh (the mind arrives at the extinguishing annoyance of the zone between rising tides and falling tides. 已達潮間帶的煩惱滅); the Nirva of perpetuation-body class eight bodhisattva (八地菩薩的涅槃), example is that leaving the zone between rising tides and falling tides goes to the exhaustive Nirva of A-Budh, The Teacher of Devas (Heaven) and People, lustrating coast there.

  Maintenance-peace Nil-attainment.


The maintenance-peace praise(Bao-an-sòng)

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