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  Written in Chinese and translated in English by Shin-Ming-Shing(the worldly name is Yaw-Nan Su), buddhi name, the successor of A-Budh(佛弟子), the buddhi-successor of thirty-fifth graduating Buddhist(第三十五代法嗣), Touch-Nil Gate(齋門), Touch-Nil Teaching(齋教), Lόng-Magnificence Sect(龍華派), Lín-Jii Purport(臨濟宗), Buddhism.


  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of A-Budh-doctrine, Priority 18 (第十八), The Metal-Immortality Mind Dharani Doctrine, to Controvert the Fallacious Theory of Six Propagators of the Outre Bypath (無所得恭鈔金剛心總持論.外道六師論第十八的部份經文) ──

  ‘Bodhisattva Manjushri asked A-Budh, “How to talk Six Propagators of the Outre Bypath?” The Veneration of the World said, “After Nature-Accordance finished the great pra-nirva (如來滅後), the future period there would be many devil pāpīyāns entering my dharma education system (多有波旬入我法中), living in my temples or precincts, shaving the hair and wearing the single-color cloth (被褐) and calling themselves A-Budh successors (稱佛弟子), …… . In the final period of preaching dharma, the outre-bypath followers of pāpīyāns devils of these propagators enter in my dharma education system, they spoil the educational function of A-Budh and temples (壞佛伽藍), they destroy the preaching of the right law (毀佛正法), extinguish living beings to become Buddhas (滅佛教相).

  A-Budh will instruct bodhisattvas of vow-power of great conveying (佛大乘願力菩薩) who will be with niceties (隨方) to bear (應現), to be kings, emperors, ministers or leading lights (長者) with great dignity and virtue; bodhisattvas fulfill the one formula (各作一方), and to do giving on behalf of A-Budh (佛之檀越), to crush down evil bypath and to extinguish evil bypath (摧滅邪道), bodhisattvas preserve and habitually fulfill right law, the outre devils can not get any convenience; The doer effectuating the saying of A-Budh is A-Budh successor (依佛說者,是佛弟子); The persona following or conforming evildoer is devil pāpīyān that they will use same bypaths to destroy or slander great logic-law and then they follow …, into the avici hell like arrows. Once they lose the human bodies, the chance of being human again will be scarce. Once they lose the human bodies, the chance of being human again are that they fulfill Nil to do buddhi vow and buddhi behaviors.”……’.

  After with respect to read A-Budh-doctrine, it can be seen that devil(Skr. is māra) is named pāpīyān(波旬) who would assign many devils to live in the temples, and then those devils position themselves in piksus(bhiksus) or bhiksunis wearing single-color cloth(it is not cassock); those devil piksus(bhiksus) and bhiksunis are calling themselves A-Budh’s successors or Buddhists, and slander dharma.

  After with respect to learn A-Budh words and A-Budh edict(佛旨) said by A-Budh, The Teacher of Devas(Heaven) and People. A-Budh successors upasakas respect to translated the part of A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine and then to crush down those fallacious articles of slandering A-Budh and slandering dharma and destroying the wisdom-education system of dharma which were written by shih-zhu-hng and were written in the article of sī-fāng-Amita A-Budh-jí-lè-shih-jìe-wén(西方阿彌陀佛極樂世界文) and the forty-eight slandering answers(四十八謗答). Hng-zǎi does not wear the colored cloth of variegating - claretPlumRed()-mildew() with patches with right shoulder bared formulated by A-Budh, hng-zǎi is a relative of devils who destroyed to effectuate one’s right law and one’s Buddha, and extinguished the wisdom-education system of dharma and extinguished the preaching of effectuating Buddha.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, A-Budh preaches Nil-quota longlived Experience(佛說無量壽經卷上 Constancy updraft) –‘A-Budh said to Anan, “After piksu Logic-treasure(fǎ-zàng 法藏比丘) said the ode, in an instant the land in all the world had six kinds of earth-tremor shocks(應時普地六種震動), exquisite flowers were rained upon him from heaven(天雨妙華以散其上); natural music was heardthe voice in the sky said that to effectuate the decisiveness will achieve Nil-up right-awakement surely(決定必成無上正覺), then piksu logic-treasure(法藏 fǎ-zàng) knew to do the full and plighted to fulfill-satisfy one’s Nature-congruence-great vows(具足修滿如是大願), the vow and logic are earnestly sincerely fulfilled (誠諦), and then Piksu Logic-treasure arrives at No-falseness ,the mind exceeds the worldly interference (超) and the mind can appear to the world to preach dharma-law (出世間), Piksu Logic-treasure wave-life after wave-life is at living to arrive at calm-extinction (深樂寂滅); Now Piksu Logic-treasure has the achievement and without falseness (不虛). Anan! Piksu Logic-treasure is at There-Budh-Home-sky after sky (諸天) -to subdue undertone devil and idea devil (魔) -to use purification thought with endless (梵.龍) -to show dharma-law lifeway (神) -to preach dharma-law with eight right experience (八) -to map out the vow plan (部) -to point up as the masses can be at greatness to utilize numerous worldly law to preach the middle course (大眾之中).  In the preaching place of A-Budh there, piksu Logic-treasure stood among many kinds of heavens, devils(mara), purification heavens(), dragon-spirits(), Gods and other eight superficies of tribal beings(八部); the piksu Logic-treasure had Plighted such great vows(發斯弘願), after establishing the vows, he is in One direction and constancy to achieve exquisite land and solemnizing(一向專志莊嚴妙土), at Home to fulfill dharma(所修); the A-Budh Nation edifies living-beings from the first good to arrive on great conveying immensity(開廓廣大)(point) excellence-competence(超勝)to recur in exquisiteness(獨妙), at instincts issuing buddhi vows lastingly to fulfill buddhi behaviors(建立常然), Nil-decline(無衰), Nil-transformation(無變), in No-speculating-speech during million million years and inconceivable innumerable wavejackings lastingly gathered and planted bodhisattva’s Nil-quota uncountable moral conducts(於不可思議兆載永劫積植菩薩無量德行); piksu Logic-treasure did not make the lust awareness(欲覺) or anger awareness or injury awareness, did not raise the lust thought or anger thought or injury thought(不起欲想瞋想害想), did not persist in the ideas of material or sound or fragrance or flavor or touch with the method to use(不著色聲香味觸之法); effectuating endurance(point) power-achievement(忍.力成就); No-scheming afflictions(不計眾苦), jot-desire(少欲), interest in doing buddhi law(知足), Nil-pollution-resentment-infatuating(無染恚癡); Samadhi-Constantity()(point) calmness()(point) wisement(), to wiseize Nil-difficulty(慧無礙) (point) without-the mind of existentialism-falseness-adulation-distortion(無有虛偽諂曲之心); with an expression of tenderness in his face(point) with kindness in his speech, in the original vows to do awakement both each others(先意), for the succeeding dharma to request instructions(承問), endeavor with mettle and speediness(勇猛精進), to do bent and vow with Nil-tiredness(志願無倦), to concentrate one’s attention on seeking the clear white law with the operation(專求清白之法), in wisetion to profit the social confluences(以慧利群生); in politeness to respect three depositories(恭敬三寶), with respect to serve teacher and elder(奉事師長)

  In great solemnizing to achieve the full of Buddha behaviors(以大莊嚴具足眾行), to lead all kinds of confluences arrive in nirva-effect achievement(令諸眾生功德成就), keeping to vacuumizing() and Nil-vexation-photo(無相) and Nil-inclination(無願) and at Nil-to fulfill buddhi vow(無願) with the laws of operation(空無相無願之法)(point) Nil-vice(無作).(point) Nil-heave(無起), to perceive law and then at Nature to edify confluences(觀法如化); to be far away from coarse speech with hurt both each other and one another to be hurt; to learn and habitually to say good words with profit both each other and one another to be profited. Abandoning the kingdom governed by fǎ-càng, to donate the throne(捐王); to cease at and extinguish the greed of treasure and beauty, to carry oneself with fulfill six paramita and to teach confluences to fulfill six paramita. During uncountable wavejackings(無央數劫) to be active to fulfill nirva-effect and virtue one after one, wherever he was born and then the immeasurable treasures spontaneously appeared as he wished. To teach or edify to settle down and get on with one’s lifework in fulfilling the way of Nil-up right-true to uncountable living beings(教化安立無數眾生住於無上正真之道); or was reborn as leading light(長者), learned person(居士), in the surname of rich and powerful family(豪姓), the honorable person or the king of kastriya Nation(royal caste and landowners), the Revolving-wheels-sacred Emperor, the Ruler of six kinds of appetite-Heaven(或為六欲天主), or as the Purification Heaven King constantly to effectuate four affairs to do supply and respect to all one-seriation all of seriate Buddhas(乃至梵王常以四事供養恭敬一切諸佛), at Nature and in congruence to do nirva-effect are in No-commendation-tale(如是功德不可稱說);

  After respectfully reading A-Budh Experiences,  the Bodhisattva way with refinement-ingenuity-perfection-satisfaction(「菩薩道」微妙圓滿), mind after mind effectuates buddhi-vow-deeds to do awakement both each other and profit both each other wave-life after wave-life(世世), to edify confluences in greatness to effectuate Nil-up right-true with the uses way, all confluence can be far away from three kinds of existences and four kinds of reflux and birth-death ocean.

  However? The spoiler shih-zhu-hng wrote forty-eight slanderous answers with social dictions and words to slander A-Budh. For example, the slander words “From cause to effect, effect land is mixed with effect practice” are full of greed and persistence; “To get one’s desire and the mind is as not get(得願而心如未得)” are full of ignorance; his fallacy as “Only being nirva can become a true A-Buddha(唯涅槃乃成真佛)”, hng-zǎi abandons buddhi who can not understand and effectuate dharma, but he could only slander A-Budh and could destroy the wisdom-education system of buddhi-prescriptions() and buddhi-rules().

  Nil-attainment with respect to translate the part of Experience, A-Budh preaches Nil-quota longlived Experience (Constancy updraft 卷上), ── ‘A-Budh told Anan: “Logic-treasure (Fǎ-zàng) Bodhisattva has already achieved A-Budh (法藏菩薩今已成佛), now appears in a western A-Budh world that the world is named peacefulness-liveliness (安樂), which distance from here to there is ten trillion world-land.”. A-Budh told that “Anan’s instincts has logic-treasure who shows Bodhisattva thought and behavior now (阿難法藏菩薩今). Logic-treasure Bodhisattva has already become an A-Budh (今已成佛). How can let one’s A-Budh appear (佛現)? What kinds of conditions and way show in the West (現在西方)? A-Budh appears from the East to West (佛現在西), the prescription is the direction to use identity (去此) to effectuate ten paramitas (十) forever (萬) to handle (萬) any idea-land (剎), The Buddha treating the world and wave-lives and undertones-company-inlets (界) and awakement-profit and logic-detail is to put one’s mind on instincts-vow-deeds and livening that the Buddha’s World is named to awake-detail peacefulness-liveliness.”.

  After with respect to read A-Budh Experiences, Sakyamuni A-Buddha praised The logic-treasure Bodhisattva, The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva, The Great Staminaity Bodhisattva(大勢至菩薩). However, in forty-eight slandering answers written by hng-zǎi, he called ‘Logic-treasure(fǎ-zàng) and The Nature Audio-visuality(Guan-shih-yin) like a hoodlum or local bully to call his little followers of running errands, hng-zǎi would have a miserable end.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, effectuating thirty two signs-action-conduct-priority six(修三十二相業品第六), Constancy 1(卷第一), The Upasaka Extinguish-wrong Experience(優婆塞戒經), ── ‘Bodhisattva-mahāsattva fulfilled congruence and good actions which were named effectuating and being full of the good actions of three asankhya wave-jackings(三阿僧); and then Bodhisattva-mahāsattva can serially natureify A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi(次第獲得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提). The charitable man! In the past I had learned in the preaching place of The Depository-Top A-Budh(寶頂佛), I achieved the full and sufficiency of the congruity and good actions of the first asankhya wave-jacking(滿足第一阿僧衹劫); in the preaching place of The Light-Lighting A-Budh(然燈佛), I achieved the full and sufficiency of the congruity and good actions of the second asankhya wave-jacking(滿足第二阿僧); in the preaching place of The Kasya  A-Budh(迦葉佛), I achieved the full and sufficiency of the congruity and good actions of the third asankhya wave-jacking; the charitable man! In the past I had learned in the preaching place of A-Budh Sakyamuni, while I began to plight the A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi vow(始發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心) and hope to fulfill A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi mind. After issuing the congruity mind, I had provided the supplies to A-Budhs as numbers as limitless the sands of the Ganges; grown all kinds of good roots, effectuating buddhi way, keeping up buddhi-prescriptions(持戒) and endeavor, effectuating wide learning and erudition(多聞). The charitable man! After Bodhisattva- mahāsattva effectuated in congruence to achieve the good actions of thirty two signs, mind after mind he knew himself that he kept up samadhi and then he will certainly natureify A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi in the future, like watching emblica fruit in the hand……’.

  Nil-attainment with respect to transcribe the part of Experience, Thought in sun-logic and indescribable Experience(惟日雜難經), ── The to be foresaid Bodhisattva would reimburse old guilts(菩薩償故). Does not raise or made new guilt. For an explication, from Bodhisattva was foresaid by A-Budh, Bodhisattva would reimburse the guilt made in past wave-lives and the guilt made before receiving buddhi-prescriptions in this life, and would reimburse the guilt made in past unlimited wavejacks, from the to be foresaid Bodhisattva till sudehum(須陀洹), they all have old guilts. If they have buddhi vow and they issue buddhi vow(有時) and then they meet those old guilts to erupt, while their volition follow instincts and buddhi vow(因隨往) and then the mind effectuate dharma to preach dharma or profit both each other(生道意), ignorance goes to weak and those board guilts go to short-lived (便薄). If they heard that there is a person who is saying A-Budh profound Experience, they remember A-Budh Experience that the volition effectuate A-Budh Experience, the mind can arrive at mind-extrication (解) and can dispel guilt (解罪). If they meet some people and then they say A-Budh profound Experience to people, when the volition is at instincts-vow-dharma-law that the mind can achieve the understanding-extrication (解) and can eliminate a large of guilt-action (解罪) and make a great number of felicity (福). In Nature and congruence to use volition(如是意), the mind in Nature, mind after mind in No-reproducing(不復生), the above way is named that The person does not redo guilt and accident(謂人不復作罪故). In the future, guilt should be uprooted by the doer of buddhi vow(即畢). From Bodhisattva was foresaid, in endeavor for a period of one hundred wavejacks, can be an A-Budh(菩薩受   百劫便得佛)…………. Bodhisattva does not make the comportment of three wrong bystreets(菩薩不作三惡道行); when the Bodhisattva reimburses all those guilt within three kinds of wrong bystreets; and then the Bodhisattva can natureify the wisdom behavior of Avivartin Bodhisattva(俱償三惡道罪畢;乃得阿惟越致…….).’.

  After with respect to read A-Budh Experiences, it is knowable that Sakyamuni A-Buddha in endeavor effectuated buddhi-vow-deeds for three asankhya wavejacks, and reimbursed the guilt for uncountable wavejacks(償無數劫罪), and then in the life natureifys A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi.

  But the spoiler shih-zhu-hng(試道者釋諸宏) said that to exert a gradual increase of three asankhya wavejacks is a small conveying, shih-zhu-hng slandered A-Budh and dharma, and he ceased that the people reimburse the guilt of uncountable wavejacks, zhu-hng himself ceased his buddhi vow; he did not know dharma and while slandered A-Budhs assistant Lo-yin(又謗羅因). Hng-zǎi was too vile.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, Priority 16(第十六), Extinguish wrong Conduct(息惡品), Constancy 3(卷第三), The upasaka Extinguish wrong Experience(優婆塞戒經), ‘Nature-Accordance achieves the wisdom deeds from perceiving the uncleanness(觀不淨); and even natureifyed and achieves A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi; from solemnizing territory to extrication territory excels sravak persons and the apprenticeship-budh and the rest(從莊嚴地至解脫地勝於聲聞辟支佛等)(point) in congruence to recur in Nature-Accordance is named Nil-up-dignitaries(是故如來名無上尊). Nature-Accordance, The Veneration of the World, is wave-life and wave-life with respect to effectuate vacuumizing samadhi(如來世尊修空三昧)(point) the disillusionment-constancy samadhi(滅定三昧); There are four grades of buddhi thinking and actualizing (四禪). Nature-action is that without-doing any wrong idea (一切惡都不做) and doing all good ideas (一切善奉行), Nature-action-ferrytion (禪那) is to ferry the mind across the river of twelve motive-sake , Nature-action-concentration (禪定) is to issue buddhi mind to preach dharma-law forever, Buddha-paramita (禪波羅蜜) is the mind at Buddha to arrive at paramita. There are four stages of buddhi thinking and actualizing, the first stage is at Nature to use material or sound or the rest to awake-profit both each other, the second stage is at Nature to use eye or ear or the rest to awake-profit both each other, the third stage is at Nature to use will to awake-profit both each other, the fourth stage is at Nature to use dharma-law and will-making-law and the world law and the birth-depletion-law to awake-profit both each other. The thought-training of charity (慈觀) and the thought-training of reliefty (悲觀) and to perceive the vicious circle of the twelve motive-sake (十二因緣) are all completely for awakement-profit all living creatures who can be at Nature to arrive at home in recurrence. Nature-Accordance has four kinds of grades , the first stage is that meeting any idea then the mind is at Nature to awake-profit both each other (正覺), the second stage is that issuing buddhi mind learns the A-Budh words (發言) to arrive at Nil-duality (無二) and home in recurrence, the fourth stage is that Nature-Accordance fulfills Nature-Accordance to preach Nature-Accordance to living creatures who can become Nature-Accordance (名如來). As all A-Budhs who become A-Budhs in the past or the present (如往先佛) fulfill Nature now and the future to become Buddhas continuously (Buddha is an instincts-vow-doer, 如往先佛). How can a person become a Buddha (佛從)? The person is at Nature to awake-profit both each other, then the mind can be at the solemnizing-territory to issue buddhi mind (從莊嚴地出) that the instincts-vow-doer knows the logic which the logic is way, and then fulfills A-nuttara-samuak-sambodhi to arrive at home in recurrence; Nature-Accordance fulfills Nature-Accordance to preach dharma-law to lead living creatures to become Nature-Accordance that Nature-Accordance is named Nature-Accordance. The instincts has the full of refinement-ingenuity right-law, perceiving and then natureifyed and fulfills the refinement-ingenuity right-law(具足獲得微妙正法) then to wiseize and to preach the way is named A-rho-ho(具足獲得微妙正法,名阿羅呵), A-rho-ho can fulfill A-rho-ho and treat the supply from all people and heaven is named A-rho-ho(能受一切人天供養.名阿羅呵), perceiving and knowing two uses of logic(point) worldliness-logic(point) true-logic(覺了二諦.世諦.真諦), achieving and preaching the way is named samuak-sambodha(名三藐三佛陀); to effectuate and keep up lustrating buddhi-prescriptions and then to have and to use three brightity, to wiseize and preach the way is named The Full of Bright-Deed and Happiness(修持淨戒具足三明,名明行足). Still more the mind would not produce existentialism or would not live in any existence, at instincts to recur in the way to preach the way is named The willingness-will(更不復生諸有之中,故名善逝). Knowing two kinds of uses and then wave-life and wave-life to be in Nature-cycle to use the confluence world and to return in the country world, to wiseize and to preach the way is named The Relief of world suffering(知二世界-眾生世界.國土世界,名世間解); at good to know how to use prescriptions and convenience to lead confluences in harmonization to be great buddhi spirit(point) to wiseize and to preach the way is named that Buddha enlightens oneself”(善知方便調伏眾生.名調丈夫). To be able to lead confluences not to produce terror-dread, and at prescriptions to use convenience to teach or edify confluences to be far away from sore emotion and then in livening(point) in congruence to wiseize and to preach the way is named The Teacher of Devas(Heaven) and People(能令眾生不生怖畏;方便教化.離苦受.樂.是名天人師); knowing one-seriation-law and effectuating one-seriation-deeds(point) at country to recur in wisetion and awakement is named effectuating A-Budh(知一切法及一切行.故名為佛); to be able to crush down four kinds of maras(mara is Skr. the undertone-destroyer, devil-destroyer, worry-destroyer, etc.), at dharma to crush down four kinds of maras and to preach at dharma to crush down four kinds of maras is named Bha-ga-bha(能破四魔 名婆伽婆),……’.

  After with respect to read A-Budh Experiences, ‘Knowing one-seriation-law and effectuating one-seriation-deeds then at country to recur in wisetion and awakement is named effectuating A-Budh.’. What is 念佛(niàn-fό )?

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, Priority 2(第二), Behavior in buddhi-uses with conduct(念佛品), The Buddha wisdom actualizes Experience(佛藏經), ‘Saripu! How about to wiseize and awake behavior in buddhi-uses and effectuating behavior in buddhi-uses(云何名為念佛)? Treating any view or utilizing views are in Nil-having, to wiseize and preach the way is named effectuating behavior in buddhi-uses(見無所有.名為念佛); Saripu! All A-Budhs are in Nil-quota and No-speculating-speech and No-commendation-number, basing on the way in lifeway with recurrence, view with Nil-having(point) to wiseize and preach the way is named effectuating behavior in buddhi-uses(諸佛無量不可思議.不可稱量,以是義故──見無所有.名為念佛). Effectuating reality and to preach effectuating reality is named Nil-discrepancy(point) all of seriate A-Budhs are in Nil-discrepancy, basing on effectuating the way with recurrence to say : “Thought with Nil-discrepancy(point) instincts-congruence-behavior in buddhi-uses(實.名無分別,以是故言:念無分別.即是念佛)”; Next, seeing all of laws then arriving at reality-photo, to wiseize and preach the way is named seeing Buddha(見諸法實相,名為見佛). What series is named effectuating all of laws then arriving at reality-photo? At country to say: All of laws, the buddhi-mood in vacuumizing, Nil-having; basing on congruence in accordance with buddhi-mood in vacuumizing and Nil-having laws to effectuate  behavior in buddhi-uses(何等名為諸法實相?所謂:諸法.畢竟空,無所有;以是畢竟空無所有法念佛). Next time is also in Nature and in congruence to use laws to effectuate middle way, and even any small idea is in Nil-attainment, congruence is named behavior in buddhi-uses(復次如是法中,乃至小念尚不可得,是名念佛);

  Saripu! In congruence is named behavior in buddhi-uses and dharma-law, at disillusionment to say words and to preach buddhi way, to exceed all laws and then to produce all thoughts, at Nil to use thoughts, congruence is named behavior in buddhi-uses(舍利弗!是名念佛法,斷語言道.過出諸念,不可得念,是名念佛).

  Saripu! One-seriation-thought and all of seriate thoughts(point) all to be in calmness-extinction-photo, the future conduct in accordance with congruence and dharma-law(point) the formulation is named effectuating fulfillment(point) to keep up behavior in buddhi-uses(舍利弗!一切諸念.皆寂滅相,隨順是法.此則名為修.習念佛). The people does not be at material to want the behavior in buddhi-uses or base on it to want behavior in country(point) Why? Because the thought of people is at material to acquire photo and to covet flavor and then to use the conscious or policy-makers(不可以色念佛 何以故.念色取相貪味為識). Nil-heterogeneous shape(無形), Nil-materialism(無色)(point) Nil-love-hate relationship(無緣)(point) Nil-malignity(point) Congruence is named behavior in buddhi-uses, in congruence with recurrence to effectuate in Nil to effectuate buddhi vow to use differentiation(無有分別), in Nil to use selection(無取), in Nil to do giving(無捨), Congruence-true-behavior in buddhi-uses.(是真念佛).’.

  After with respect to read A-Budh Experience, it is knowable that the spoiler shih-zhu-hng wrote a book of forty-eight slandering answers, which had the slandering words that “there are two kinds of chanting A-Budh, one is chanting A-Budh’s mind and uses, two is chanting A-Budh’s appellation(謗言「念佛有二,一者念佛心性,二者念佛身名 。」)”, which are violating dharma and A-Budh form(與佛法相違).

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, A-Budh preaches Amita Experience (佛說阿彌陀經), Saripu! If there is a charitable man or charitable woman hearing of A-Budh Amita    to constantly recite Appellation, whence One with sun wherewith two with sun    where to three with sun, whensoever four with sun, wherein five with sun。 wherever six with sun, whencesoever seven with sun。 If there is a charitable man or charitable woman hearing of the preaching that the people is saying “A-Budh Amita” and to constantly recite A-Budh Appellation (執持名號); if vow doer only has the opportunity of one day, or if two days, if three days, if four days, if five days, if six days, if seven days. One mind, No-unrest; when the doer approaches the end of life, A-Budh Amita and sacredists-crowds will appear before the doer.

  When the end comes, if the mind of doer is without upset, the soul instantly migrates to Amita-Buddha-Immovability-blissful Nation-domain; Saripu, Because I see the congruity with benefit。 So I preach the words ------------ that “ if there is a confluence who hears of the preaching in congruity, the confluence shall plight the vow to migrate to the There-Nation-domain for assiduousness.”.

  Nil-attainment Nil-attainment Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, A-Budh preaches Nil-quota longlived Experience(佛說無量壽經), ‘A-Budh said to Anan, “The applications of lower grade doers shall be in regulations(其下輩者), anyone of all heavens and humans in all the worlds of ten directions is at the willing mind to wish to migrate to that Nation there for assiduousness(其有至心,欲生彼國); if the doer does not understand how to do many nirva-effects(假使不能作諸功德). The doer shall plight the Nil-up buddhi vow and shall hope to issue the Nil-up buddhi vow(當發無上菩提之心), one mind in buddhi vow to use all volitions(一 向專意), if the doer only has the opportunity of ten volitions or ten reads(乃至十念) who reads-perceives Nil-quota longlived A-Budh and hopes to migrate to that Nation for assiduousness(念無量壽佛,願生其國). If hearing or learning the profound dharma, the person produces delectation and delight, belief and joy(若聞深法歡喜信樂), the mind is without-doubt-confusion(不生疑惑); and even the opportunity of one volition to remember the A-Budh there and with the willingly sincere mind to hope to migrate to that Nation for assiduousness(乃至一念念於彼佛,以至誠心,願生其國), when death is facing the person and who dreams of A-Budh there, also the soul of the person can migrate to that Nation for assiduousness(此人臨終.夢見彼佛.亦得往生), whose nirva-effect and wisdom will be next to those of the middle grade doers.’. If there is a person who heard of effectuating instincts-vow-dharma-law wave-life after wave-life and then the person joys to effectuate instincts-vow-dharma-law (歡喜) and stands by preaching instincts-vow-dharma-law to living creatures who can trustingly be happy to effectuate it (信樂), the person can arrive at No-producing and No-suspicion-bewilderment (不疑惑); And even the person can be one mind after one mind to effectuate behavior in there budh (一念念於彼佛), and the mind at behavior in there budh vows to migrate to the Nation for buddhi-increase; When the person utilizes volition then the utilization goes to an end (臨終), the person knows the utilization as a dreamland then the person can live in the lifestyle in there-budh (見彼佛), and can migrate to the Nation for buddhi increase; Nirva-effect can achieve wisdom-increase to grow up (功德智慧), the person’s wisdom utilization one after one can be at Nature to live in middle course to preach dharma-law to living creatures that the doers will appear one after another (輩者) cycle after cycle.

  After with respect to translated A-Budh Experiences, A-Budh taught living creatures who should be the behavior in buddhi-uses(佛教導眾生念佛), it was specifically described in A-Budh Experiences. But, hng-zăi forcefully called “to constantly recite A-Budh appellation” as “effectuating the behavior in buddhi-uses(可是宏仔卻將「執持名號」強名為「念佛」”, hng-zăi forcefully called “to read or to chant A-Budh’s “Appellation” as “effectuating behavior in buddhi-uses(宏仔將「念佛號」強名為「念佛」); hng-zăi making the guilt in destruction to wisdom-education of dharma and in vilification to logic are very heavy and longer.

  After with respect to translated the part of Experience from A-Budh Experiences, ‘seeing all of laws then arriving at reality-photo, to wiseize and preach the way is named seeing Buddha’(見諸法實相,名為見佛)’. But the devil piksu shih-zhu-hng slandered dharma-law, he hold the wrong view that “the persona to chant mind and utilization is to see the true Buddha(釋諸宏魔比丘卻謗法認為「念心性者,見真佛也」)”, the fallacy from hng-zăi can easily cause the suffering that spoilers run through the streets.

  In accordance with A-Budh Experiences(依經), in accordance with buddhi-rules(依律), in accordance with dharma-law and logic(依法), Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience from A-Budh preaches to see Nil-quota longlived Buddha Experience(佛說觀無量壽佛經), ‘A-Budh told vaidehi, “Thou and living creatures should concentrate one’s attention to use the volition in one place, to think the west and prescription(汝及眾生應當專心 繫念一處,想於西方). How do you think(云何作想)? When the person hopes to train whose think(凡作想者), all living creatures except those born blind, all they with the faculty of sight have seen sunset(有目之徒,皆見日落); shall have the thought to see sunset(當起想念), at right to sit in the proper posture and to face west(正坐西向), at logic to perceive the sun(諦觀於日) to lead the mind in unwavering belief(心堅住), to keep one’s mind on think and without-shift(專想不移); the person can see the setting sun which the shape is like a drum suspended above the horizon(見日欲沒.狀如懸鼓); after seeing the sun, the mind should be in clear understanding whether the eyes are closed or open(既見日已,閉目 、開目皆令明了), congruity is effectuating the thought-training with sun(是為日想), to wiseize and preach the way is named the first kind of seeing-training(名曰初觀); the doer effectuates congruence in accordance with the first kind of seeing-training, and then to wiseize and preach the way is named effectuating right training(作是觀者,名為正觀). If to use otherwise manner is named effectuating wrong training(若他觀者名為邪觀).’.

  After with respect to read A-Budh Experiences, we can know that The Teacher of Devas(Heaven) and People(天人師) teaches living creatures ‘how to do perceiving and thought-training’, from the first kind of seeing-training to the sixteenth kind of seeing-training(從初觀至十六觀) are aimed at ceasing evils and promoting kind thinking and behaviors of living creatures, they can have the peacefulness and happiness mind after mind wave-life and wave-life.

  Buddhists should know the terms and the order of fulfillment carefully and specifically:perceptibility, the seeing-training, vacuumizing, variety, Nil, reality, Non, No, true, Nature, Budh-A, Buddha, A-Budh, Nature-Accordance, behavior in buddhi-uses(念佛),……etc. in buddhi upward behaviors.

  In accordance with A-Budh Experiences, in accordance with buddhi-rules, in accordance with dharma and logic(依法), there are about one hundred orders about the vacuumizing and variety, empty-thinking(空想), empty-body(空身), vacuumizing-variety-the conscious(空識), variety-genius(空性). After knowing empty and vacuumizing and the rest, we should know in popularizing-charity(徧照) to understand reality(), and then we should know and effectuate Nil, Nil in great conveying dharma-law has about many hundred sequences; the Bodhisattva should effectuate “great pra-paramita” and “Nature-Accordance to use identity(如來之身)” and the one is able to effectuate “the only perpetuation-conveying(唯一佛乘)”.

  But the continual blunder’s Master(連遲大師 lan-ch), piksu shih-zhu-hng, completely has rusted away to learn dharma, he just habitaally took dharma terms to write some articles with slander, or wrongly placing the terms of the front order into the back order, or to write the articles with fallacious opinions and to say the wrong speech; “Stealing all days while never robbing is called a real thief” which is the most suitable description of hng-zăi. Therefore, hng-zăi wrote some fallacies as “The persona chanting the body name or appellation of an A-Budh is seeing the resultant appearance of an A-Budh” and then “the persona can see the appearance of one’s instinct true-budh” and the rest fallacies(所以宏仔才會寫了「念身名者,見應佛也,也能見自性天真佛之象外」等謬語。)”.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, middle, Tour-behavior Experience(遊行經), Constancy 3(卷第三), Long A-Hū Experience(長阿含經), ‘Next, the piksu made a speech as follows: “ I was in the other village, the other city, the other Nation, there are many many piksus who effectuate dharma and buddhi-rules and the obvious bearing of buddhi-rules(眾多比丘持法持律持律 儀者); when I personally heard the words from them, personally was instructed and then use those law, those rules, those teaching.”. Hearing of their words, while the hearer shall not doubt it and shall not damage it(從其聞者不應不信,亦不應毀); the hearer should be according to A-Budh Experience to reason that the people’s words is real or unreal, according to buddhi-rules and dharma to trace and examine the origin and end-all of the people’s words(當於諸經推其虛實,依法依律究其本末).

  If the people’s words is not in accordance with A-Budh Experiences, or not in accordance with buddhi-rules, or not in accordance with dharma-law, the buddhist shall say the words to the people, “A-Budh does not say this words. You learnt the fallacious words. Why do I say so ? After I was according to A-Budh Experiences, according to buddhi-rules, according to dharma-law, and then I found that the words said by you before infringes dharma-law and Buddha(我依諸經依律依法,汝先所言,與法相違). The sage people! You do not accept the fallacious words or use it, do not say it to other, you shall abandon it(賢士!汝莫受持,莫為人說, 當捐捨之。…).”. If the people’s words is in accordance with A-Budh Experiences and in accordance with buddhi-rules and in accordance with dharma-law, the buddhist shall say the words to the person──, “The words stated by you is real and was said by A-Budh. Why do I say so ? After I was according to A-Budh Experiences, according to buddhi-rules, according to dharma-law, and then I found that the words stated by you before is in congruity with dharma-law and Buddha(我依諸經,依律,依法,汝先所.與法相應;). The sage person! You should receive it and effectuate it, and should widely preach it to other. Be careful! You do not abandon it.”. This is the third great teaching-method.’.

  After with respect to read A-Budh Experiences, it can be seen that The Teacher of Devas(Heaven) and People taught Buddhists who should be in accordance with A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and dharma-law to reason that the people’s words is real or unreal, to trace and examine the origin and end-all of the people words.

  As to piksu shih-zhu-hng, he did not be in accordance with A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and dharma-law to reason that The testing copy of the five-speed-six-Budh-A-register(五部六冊考試本) is real or unreal, zhu-hng did not trace and examine the origin and end-all of the testing copy of the five-speed-six-Budh-A-register(wǔ-bù-liù-cè-kǎo-shìh-běn); then we know what hng-zăi said should belong to plant in the false evidence of without-true evidence and belong to the evil comportments of eight kinds of burdensome and forbidden guilts. His slandering words, “With the excuse of Nil-making, make the cause and effect empty, prevent others from worshipping image and laugh at others’ fame”, may because of that hng-zăi has a guilty conscience, cry “stop thief” as a thief, and deliberately cover up from the public.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, Priority 5(第五), Lustrating prescriptions Conduct(清淨戒品), Constancy 2(卷第二), The Buddha wisdom actualizes Experience(佛藏經)──, ‘Next, Saripu! The prescription-breaking piksu likes cosy life but hates to work (好), the prescription-breaking piksu is delight in the worldly affairs and never gets tired of it (樂他事), the prescription-breaking piksu lets one’s mind follow ignorance (任) and insists on getting money or fame (持) or one’s dream (其理) and then to randomly operate his reasoning (任持其理); When the prescription-breaking piksu has any felling who surely follows existentialism to produce conflict and criticism in his mind and disciplinary action (處), the prescription-breaking piksu follows the id to seek for fancy (喜) and to joyfully propagate those affairs (樂). The prescription-breaking piksu joyfully wears the fine clothings to dignify own body(衣服嚴身), to learn the imposing bearings from others(學他威儀), to seek fine bedding and benefits and offerings to keep own body in good life(求好臥具,利養安身), to enjoy praises from others, to ensure to hold alms givers and to stint other person in living place(護惜檀越及悋住處), the prescriptions-breaking piksu is afraid that whose faults may be found by good piksus (恐好比丘來見我過); the prescriptions-breaking piksu dislikes the doer of effectuating buddhi-prescriptions (憎持戒者), the prescriptions-breaking piksu communes with or attaches oneself to other prescriptions-breaking piksu (親附破戒), always to praise offerings or supports (常讚布施); the prescriptions-breaking piksu does not praise to effectuate buddhi-prescriptions patience and endeavor, Nature-action-concentration and wisdom (破戒比丘不讚持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定、智慧), the prescriptions-breaking piksu does not praise calmness-extinction or far away or one place (不讚寂滅、遠離、獨處), the prescriptions-breaking piksu is always happy to laugh at or talk of the fault of the buddhi-prescriptions doer (常好譏論持戒者過); also the piksu prescriptions-breaking does not praise the doer of dhuta (亦不稱讚行頭陀者), or gesticulates to say how to scoff at dhuta (或指說其事), or is in the comportments of the oral abuse willfully to treat dhuta (或惡口橫加), or is in wishful imagination or the talking of the falsity to treat dhuta (或憶想妄說). ……’.

  After with respect to read A-Budh Experiences, it is knowable that the spoiler shih-zhu-hng belongs to those “who dislikes the doer of effectuating buddhi -prescriptions(憎持戒者), always is happy to scoff at or talk of the fault of the doer buddhi-prescriptions, or is in wishful imagination or the talking of the falsity to treat Buddhists”. The hng-zăi’s comportments are too ignoble.

  As to the five-speed-six-Budh-A-register, it is a very deep Testing Copy(五部六冊是極深的考試本). It contains many parts of A-Budh Experiences for readers to read respectfully. As there are no punctuations in ancient A-Budh Experiences, the parts of Experiences translated by A-Budh assistants are divided into five sentences or ten sentences according to the deep or shallow knowledge of the doers on the dharma, or serve both for the immediacy-teaching to do greatity conveyity(頓教大乘) and other conveyings.

  The charitable man or charitable woman plighted the buddhi vow and then issues buddhi vow(發菩提心) to effectuate A-Budh Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine, in accordance with A-Budh Experiences and in accordance with buddhi-rules and in accordance with dharma-logic to disseminate Buddha behaviors and dharma(弘揚佛法) to save living creatures, furthermore they can plight the vow to become The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva(並且發誓願成為觀世音菩薩); they studied and effectuated the three learnings of buddhi-prescriptions and samadhi and wisetion(戒定慧三學) then while their felicity and wisdom arrive at the level to become the Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva, After they are authenticated by A-Budh Nature Audio-visuality, they are The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattvas.

  Many charitable men become The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattvas, and many charitable women become The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva; The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva preaches popularizing Gate Morality(觀世音菩薩普門品), Clever Law Lotus Flower Experience(妙法蓮華經) said that The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva vows to widely ferry living creatures and can change one’s appearance to act out thirty two different appearances, as appearance of A-Budh(佛身), the appearance of the learned person(居士身), the appearance of boy(童男身), the appearance of girl(童女身), the appearance of woman(婦女身), and the rest to ferry living creatures who can be far away from three kinds of existentialisms and four kinds of reflux and the birth-death-ocean of affliction.

  But hng-zăi slandered The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva as a woman, hng-zăi is arrogant that he called The Nature Audio-visuality only and not The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva with respect.

  The trash of hng-zăi dares slander A-Budh, and slander The Nature Audio-visuality Bodhisattva, he also slanders Clever Law Lotus Flower Experience, of course hng-zăi dares slander The Nature-Home Bodhisattva Lo-Yin(當然也謗羅因在家菩薩) and the Five-speed-six-Budh-A-register(五部六冊).

  In accordance with dharma-law at Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, No.200, Logicty A-Hū Experience(Da-Jenq edition, Greatness -depository Experiences 大正版大藏經雜阿含經第二○○經)──, ‘(A-Budh) told Rāhula, “Rāhula! One-seriation and every thing are showing inconstancy(一切無常). What kinds of associates and laws are showing inconstancy(何等法無常)? Told you that the eyes are showing inconstancy(謂眼無常), whatever materials and eyesight-decision-maker and eye-touch(若色眼識眼觸), in Nature to effectuate the buddhi upward behaviors to use those inconstancy to do widely preaching(如上無常廣說).”.’.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, No.283, Logicty A-Hū Experience(Da-Jenq edition, Greatness-depository Experiences 大正版大藏經雜阿含經二八三經)──, ‘If treating knots with will-making and mooring rope and law-ideas are in accordance with the thought-training of inconstancy(隨順無常觀), to effectuate the thought-training of birth-depletion(生滅觀) and the thought -training of Nil-lust(無欲觀) and the thought-training of disillusionment(滅觀) and the thought-training of off(捨觀) and No-reproduction-reminiscence(不生顧念), when the mind arrives at No-tie-persistence and then the passions are extinguished(心不縛著,則愛滅); when the mind effectuates extinguishing passions and then the acquirings are extinguished(愛滅則取滅); When the mind arrives at extinguishing acquirings and then the having is extinguished(取滅則有滅), when the mind arrives at extinguishing having and then the birth is extinguished(有滅則生滅), when the mind arrives at extinguishing birth and then the dotage-illness-death-anxieties() -sadness()-worries()-sufferings are extinguished, the mind Nature-congruence after Nature-congruence in the future all wave-lives can extinguish all great afflictions-gatherings(如是如是純大苦聚滅). ……’.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, No.293(二九三經), Logicty A-Hū Experience(Da-Jenq edition, Greatness-depository Experience 大正版大藏經雜阿含經)──. ‘What can the person perceive and do? The extremely profound point is that at Home preaches Nil-raising(此甚深處,所謂緣起); which is even more extremely profound point and even more difficult to perceive? At Home preaches on-seriation with off-acquirement(一切取離), Nil-passion(愛盡), at Nil to do appetite(無欲), calmness-extinction, nirva. Nature or beach this are two kinds of ways(如此二法); who are called the will-making doer(謂有為有為者), the Nil-making will-making doer(無為有為者) if appears(若生) and then to effectuate way to use creation wherewith producing(無為有為者若生); wherewith living(若住), wherewith variation, wherewith extinction. The Nil-making doer can be in No-reproducing(不生), No-living(不住), No-disparity(不異), No-extinguishing. The will-making doer, whereby producing(若生), whereby living(若住), whereby variation(若異), whereby extinction(若滅). Nil-making doer, in No-reproducing, No-living, No-disparity, No-extinguishing.’.

  After with respect to read the A-Budh Experiences, it can be seen that “the eyes are showing inconstancy, whatever materials and eyesight-decision-maker and eye-touch, in nature to effectuate the buddhi upward behaviors to use those inconstancy to do widely preaching.”, the eyeballs are gathered by terrene(dì, the solid materials) and aqua(shuǐ, liquid) and warmth(huǒ) and breathing(fong); eyes are small in childhood, big in adulthood, old and far-sighted in old ages; we use eyes in different time and space, in different cause and sakes every time, therefore it is called inconstancy. The Nil-making law shows No-reproducing, No-living, No-disparity, No-extinguishing; the doer of Nil-making law effectuates No-reproducing, No-living,  No-disparity, No-extinguishing.

  But? In the forty-eight slandering answers written by the devil Piksu shih-zhu-hng who slanders No-reproducing and No-extinguishing as inconstancy, and he even slanders No-undulation(還謗不起). Hng-zăi is really desperate to slander the dharma-law once and again. In the aspiration article to western written by shih-zhu-hng has many mistakes, he is in very poor state that he completely does not understand dharma-law, he is in a very poor state that can not write the articles in accordance with buddhi-rules and dharma. However, he is so rich that he owns so much greed and anger and infatuating(), he is so rich that he gets so much retributions of the hell and three kinds of astray bystreets.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, A-Budh preaches Amita Experience(佛說阿彌陀經)──, “Saripu! If there is a charitable man or charitable woman hearing of A-Budh Amita    to constantly recite Appellation, whence One with sun wherewith two with sun    where to three with sun, whensoever four with sun, wherein five with sun。 wherever six with sun, whencesoever seven with sun。 If there is a charitable man or charitable woman hearing of the preaching that the people is saying “A-Budh Amita” and to constantly recite A-Budh Appellation(執持名號); if vow doer only has the opportunity of one day, or if two days, if three days, if four days, if five days, if six days, if seven days. One mind, No-unrest; when the doer approaches the end of life, A-Budh Amita and sacredists-crowds will appear before the doer.
When the end comes, if the mind of doer is without upset, the soul instantly migrates to Amita-Buddha-Immovability-blissful Nation-domain; Saripu, Because I see the congruity with benefit。 So I preach the words ────── that “ if there is a confluence who hears of the preaching in congruity, the confluence shall plight the vow to migrate to the There-Nation-domain for assiduousness.”.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, A-Budh preacles to see Nil-quota longlived A-Budh Experience (佛說觀無量壽佛經)──, ‘When Vaidehi sought the logic to say the words to A-Budh──, “The Veneration of the World (世尊)! Every confluence respects (世尊) to effectuate Nature to use identity to be the buddhi doer (如我今者), whereby Buddha force with recurrence to see the Nation-domain there (以佛力故見彼國土); if the condition is Buddha to meet extinction, and then in the future all confluences and the rest living creatures are compelled by five turbidness and egotripping evils and bad and five kinds of afflictions (若佛滅後、諸眾生等.濁惡,不善五苦所逼); then how will they be able to see Amita A-Budh-Nature-the delightful world (云何當見阿彌陀佛極樂世界)?...”.

  After with respect to read and then to translated the part of Experience from A-Budh Experiences, A-Budh leads all living creatures who shall plight the vow to migrate to Amita A-Budh The Omnipotence-Blissful Nation-Domain(當發願生阿彌陀佛極樂國土) for assiduousness, shall be in accordance with dharma-law to do awakement both each other and profit both each other, one mind, No-unrest, to constantly recite A-Budh Amita Magnificent Appellation(持阿彌陀佛洪名), in belief to effectuate dharma enduringly, and then all living creatures can effectuate the buddhi upward behaviors that the mind arrives at Nil-having then at Nil-discrepancy lead behavior in buddhi-uses(以無所有.無分別念佛); that person whenever use or ending sees The West Amita A-Budh and sacredists-crowds.

  It is knowable that the prayers should be in accordance with A-Budh words and order formulated by A-Budh Amita, all confluences read the correct prayers with sentences to plight the vow, and then the unison has the effect to see The West Amita A-Budh Nature-The Delightful World(見西方阿彌陀佛極樂世界). For example, in Nature, The article of vow: ‘The Buddhist ○○○ plights to migrate to A-Budh Amita Nature- the delightful world for assiduousness(佛弟子○○○願生阿彌陀佛極樂世界).’.

  But, the continual blunder’s Master(連遲大師 lan-ch-dà-shi), Piksu shih-zhu-hng, had written some slanderous books and prayers who did not effectuate in accordance with A-Budh Experiences and A-Budh words to write articles and books, he did not write the purpose of vow in the beginning too, therefore he can not see A-Budh Amita or Nature-the delightful world.

  Hng-zăi, in his article of vow, just indicated one conveying of the Nil-up buddhi, but he abandoned sravak conveying (捨棄聲聞乘), the lower grade of all souls of the heavens and humans in the worlds of ten directions (捨棄十方世界諸天人民之下輩者), the living creatures of without-issuing buddhi vow living in five abominations (五惡) or five pains (五痛) or five burns (五燒) or many kinds of afflictions. The article of vow and comportments of hng-zăi violate “The Buddha preaches Nil-quota longlived Experience (佛說無量壽經), hng-zăi oneself abandoned dharma-law and enjoyed planting false evidence to other persons and the hng-zăi enjoyed slandering other persons with abandoning buddhi gates and buddhi behavior.

  The article of vow written by hng-zăi is not like the prayers seeking to see A-Budh Amita Nature- the delightful world, and is not like the vow to plight the buddhi mind and then to issue buddhi mind; in the article of vow written by hng-zăi, he even said the ravings that he widely help many kinds of living beings to request one conveying the Nil-up buddhi way, he does not know that every living being shall respect to request A-Budh who teaches the Nil-up buddhi way to living beings, and every confluence should be with endeavor to effectuate the dharma lifeway. The articles and prayers written by hong-zăi violate dharma and Buddhas.

  Nil-attainment with respect to translated the part of Experience, No.906, Logicty A-Hū Experience(大正版大藏經雜阿含經九○六經, Taisho Tripitaka in Large print.), ‘When Kasya with existentialism to use five kinds of motivations and sakes can cause one’s Nature-Accordance and right law and the wisdom-education system of the right law of Nature-Accordance to be sunken(迦葉有五因緣,能令如來正法沉沒). What are the five kinds of? If the piksu shows without-reverence(不敬) or without-respect (不重) or without-the modest and polite supply(不下意供養) to treat the great teacher (大師) and the preaching place; after the Piksu showed without-reverence or without-respect or without-the modest and polite supply to treat the great teacher and the preaching place and home and No-adoration (不敬) and No-recidivism (不重) and No-rude contribution (不下意供養), then the piksu still repeatedly follows and practices of without-reverence and without-respect and without-the modest and polite supply to treat the buddhi lifestyle (然復依倚而住): As if dharma-law (若法), as if study of dharma-law (若學), as if to study supposing to follow and accord with the wisdom education of instincts-vow-dharma-law (若學若隨順教), as if the buddhi purification-will-mouth-body behaviors (若諸梵行). The piksu without-reverence and without-respect and without-the modest and polite supply then without-following dharma-law and without-stopping ignorance (止) and without-practicing dharma-law to preach dharma-law to treat The Great Teacher and Great Teacher’s praises as Greatness, Pra-Paramita teacher (師), home, to praise the dharma-law doer (稱讚), the doer of No-adoration No-recidivism No-rude contribution , the doer of the one-support (供養), the doer of the upper support (供養); And the piksu refuses to depend on one’s instincts and dharma-law, refuses to stop affliction, refuses to live in congruence-awakement life; The piksu relies on ignorance, stops to effectuate dharma-law and live in the preceding wrong thought to do echo and to follow out it. Kasya! The piksu has the preceding five kinds of motivations and sakes, then one’s Nature-Accordance and one’s right law and the wisdom-education system of the right law of Nature-Accordance are sunken.”.

  But? The spoiler hng-zăi only called The Nature-Audio (觀音guān-yīn) and staminaity (勢至shìh-jhìh) in the books and articles written by zhu-hng, he at without-reverence does not call The Nature-Audio-visuality Bodhisattva and The Great Staminaity Bodhisattva. Spoiler hng-zăi is one of evils who causes whose Nature-Accordance and effectuating the right law and the wisdom-education system of Nature-Accordance to be sunken.

  In the article of vow written by hng-zăi said that he will ‘practice the holy way diligently, never fall back or lazy (勤修聖道,誓不退惰), vow to achieve the right awakement, vow to ferry living beings (誓成正覺,誓度眾生).’; we can find that hng-zăi is without-reverence to see ‘Buddha-treasure’ (宏仔不敬佛藏), then he grasps ‘holy’ and is never fall back; hng-zăi abandons the only perpetuation-conveying (宏仔捨唯一佛乘) and then grasps to practice ‘holy way’, whose words and comportments shows that hng-zăi put himself beside Buddha way and the only perpetuation-conveying, he only can achieve the small results of sravak, it is more likely that he becomes a persona to slander A-Budh.

  The prayers written by hng-zăi are full of arrogation(自大) and silliness-infatuating(愚痴). When Buddhists ask for help from A-Budh, Buddhists should request A-Budh to pity us and request A-Budh to give us the relief. But, hng-zăi at silliness and infatuating thought that ‘(A-Budh) should manifest me and know me or should pity me.’, the buddhi-prescriptions breaking’s piksu, devil piksu, dare write such articles with not revering A-Budh and not respecting dharma.

  Hng-zăi knew nothing about dharma. Why did he write ‘all origins and bases and roots are happy’? Six kinds of origins(六根) and five kinds of bases(五根) and five undertone-foundations(五陰根) and five kinds of ingathering-foundations(五蘊根) of all living creatures are also lustrating forever. Each time living creatures meet with six kinds of ideas, the conscious will make a choice between five kinds of lusts(五欲) and to return at one’s buddhi lustrating mind-uses with buddhi-vow-deed’s words-behaviors; if living creature seeks logic with except one’s mind(眾生若心外求法) then choosing five kinds of lusts(五欲) and then the living creatures shall get worries and many afflictions and motivations-sequences-consequences(因果報應). Therefore, The Teacher of Devas(Heaven) and People(天人師) teaches all living creatures to effectuate that ‘Don’t make any evil notion’. If confluences choose to effectuate dharma lifeway and then who can arrive in peacefulness-happiness and exterminate guilts-actions(消罪業), then can increase in good motivations-sequences -consequences, in the future wave-life can be The Teacher of Devas(Heaven) and People to ferry living creatures widely.

  One’s buddhi mind-uses-instincts-lustrating Nil-attainment


Immovability-blissful Nation-domain

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