February 1st, Buddhist Calendar 2551 (Western Calendar 2007)
In buddhi mind to do ritual. ■ Students from the Buddhistic Lustrating-belief-sanghas Buddha School (educational institution of lustrating faith-sanghas of Buddhism) A-Budh taught Buddhists to base on A-Budh’s Experiences (佛經) and buddhi-rules (律) and A-Budh-doctrine (論) and then to effectuate buddhi-prescriptions (戒) and samādhi (定) and wisdom (慧), and then to deliver a preaching dharma widely (弘揚佛法), and to crush down or break the writing or words of destroying one’s Buddha or buddhi-rules or buddhi-prescriptions or slandering dharma from those prescriptions-breaking piksus or prescriptions-breaking bhiksunis. As to preaching dharma, today I, first, talked about Heaven-quintessence-sign-word(天華符字) and the rest said by bodhisattva Shin-Míng-Dé(新明德菩薩) given relief by The Teacher of Devas(Heavens) and People(天人師). Each of the signs or words, like Inherence (天tian), Territory(地di),human being or person (人rén), Sun(日rih), The orb of night(月yuè), Shooting star(星sing), Metal(金jin), Tree(木mù), Water or Stream(水shuǐ), Warmth(火 huǒ), Terrace(臺taí), Current(灣wan), Newness or Novelty(新Shin), Arrangement(約 yue), Lóng-Flower or Lóng-Magnificence(龍lόng-華huá), Buddha(佛Fό), Teaching(教 jiao), Holy-Buddhism Nation Mountain(聖shèng-國gúo-山shan), The Guarantee(保baǒ)-Peace(安an)-A-Budh’s office(堂tng) has the effect of extinguishing guilt. In the age when the A-Budh assistant Shin-Míng-Dé(新明德祖師的年代) was living, most of those persons who had been sick for long, if they had done good deeds a lot, with little evil actions(並且很少惡業), are healthy enough, in the future they can base on A-Budh’s Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh doctrine to do lifeway, when they requested A-Buddha or Bodhisattva to bestow one sign or word or to recite dharani(持咒), after getting permission from A-Budh or Bodhisattva, and then taking it or reciting dharani, many persons recover healthy soon. At obedience (奉fòng), to effectuate one’s buddhi vow (請cǐng), Heaven-quintessence-sign-word (天華符字), A-Budh’s Experiences (經jíng), buddhi-prescriptions (戒jiè), to arrive at real (實shih), awakement after awakement (行síng), poemity (偈jì), preaching (曰yue) said by Bodhisattva Sin-Míng-Dé. Upasaka went to the house of asker and helped them to dispel calamity (消災) or to do awakement both each other (自覺覺他) and profit both each other (自利利他); when Bodhisattva Sin-Míng-La recited 26 verses of ‘at obedience to effectuate one’s buddhi vow, Heaven-quintessence-sign-word, A-Budh’s Experiences, buddhi-prescriptions, to arrive at real, awakement after awakement, poemity, preaching’. Because A-Budh or Bodhisattva gave relief and help, A-Budh assistant Sin-Míng-La immediately knew what was happening to the askers and their family, such as couples quarrelling, unlucky bed location (床位不順), ancestral tombs’ offset(祖墓偏差), evil actions in the past lives (過去世惡業), the brother dead in Southeastern Asia during World War II hoping the nephew to be his son……, etc. Perpetuation-body shows the way of extinguishing affliction (乾道), issuing buddhi mind has peaceful territory (氤), the air of conception hopes to firstly become Bodhisattva, and then Buddha (氣上昇). To effectuate three body with dharma-law can light up two kinds of brilliances (三光兩曜 san-guang liǎng-yào) to care for one’s mind (照zhào) and to awake-profit both each other (臨lín) then to effectuate bright heart budh-genius (明míng).’. Perpetuation-body is showing Inside (法身稱為乾) that the method is named right experience and perpetuation-body is showing right experience (又稱為正見). To issue buddhi mind and mind after mind are willing to fulfill the only perpetuation-conveying wave-life after wave-life that the above way is named ‘fulfilling the mind from buddhi courage with updraft to arrive at peace after peace (發菩提心而世世念念奉行唯一佛乘, 稱為氣上昇).’ Now in according to A-Budh’s Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine to effectuate buddhi-prescriptions and samādhi and wisdom and awakement both each other and profit both each other is named effectuating present wisdom light (現在智慧光). The future also in according to A-Budh’s Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine to effectuate buddhi-prescriptions and samādhi and wisdom and awakement both each other and profit both each other is named effectuating future wisdom light. The future wave-lives also in according to A-Budh’s Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine to effectuate the only perpetuation-conveying (唯一佛乘) and awakement both each other and profit both each other wave-life after wave-life is named effectuating future wave-lives’ wisdom light. These three kinds of ways of effectuating one’s Budh and dharma’s wisdom light is named effectuating three light. ‘Unity can convey one’s mind to effectuate Budh conveying (統載萬 tǒng-zài-wàn) and can manage five countries of eye-ear-nose-tongue-body (邦bang) to utilize business; where is the position of mind? Attribute of mind can be to recur in buddhi mind (屬坤shǔ-kun). Volition from Charity Mountain of Great Conveying (山 shan) to drive buddhi boat on river (川chuan) concentrates (鍾zhong) to trend towards great sea (大dà), to effectuate the way one after one (道存daò-cún)’; the mind this time with one’s Budh and dharma is named Unity, with conveying is named Conveyance (實行乘稱為載), the mind this time with six ferrytions to use all will-behavior and oral behavior and body-behavior is named All (六度萬行稱為萬); people are the basis of country (民為邦本), people are obedient and diligent and can do good deeds, which is named the location of country (人民守法又勤儉肯善行稱為「邦位」); the mind this time with dharma and good behavior and the mind next time also with dharma and good behavior is named trending toward immovableness (屬坤), the above good mind with good behavior is named great conveying. You see, it is really terrible for Shi Ynzǎi from F-gŭ Mountain to slander that original Buddhism has no Mahayana. Once there were several upasakas(the sincere male believer) consulting about “Newness-Arrangement”. All A-Budhs have the same perpetuation-body, the perpetuation-body is lastingly lustrating and without taint (沒有汙) and without addiction (沒有垢), so perpetuation-body is named Newness or Novelty (所以法身稱為新), mind after mind with issuing buddhi mind are named Arrangement (念念實行發菩提心稱為約); to be willing to effectuate perpetuation-body and buddhi mind and buddhi vow-deeds can manage one’s will and mind and words and behavior to do good deeds wave-life after wave-life that the above buddhi lifeway is named Newness-Arrangement (新約), the A-Budh’s successor wave-life after wave-life (世世) can effectuate Newness-Arrangement mind after mind to ferry a great many confluences (眾生) that the above lifeway is named Newness-Arrangement (新約). Buddhi classmates (各位同學)! Have you learnt a bit of ‘Novelty (新sin), Formulation (規gui), Variedness (化huà), Worldliness (俗sú), to awake (醒sǐng) the charmed people (迷mí) and infatuated people (痴chi) who shall be far away from greed?’. Buddhi classmates! To do charity with Nil-attainment is the dharma(捨而無得是佛法). In Constancy 6(卷第六), The Greatness on the Top of A-Budh Head to Show Nature-Accordance the Secret-motivation Fulfillment--natureity the Only Meaning and all Bodhisattvas in Budh Behavior The Chief Leng-yan Experience (大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經) records that ‘I teach piksus who shall effectuate prescriptions to do mendicancy (我教比丘循方乞食), in order to help them renounce greed (令其捨貪), with the behavior above and then piksu can fulfill bodhisattva road (成.菩薩道)……’. The Leng-yan Experience records the devils of disguising oneself with charity (悲魔) and the evil people and the rest who are advocating and are comporting giving with destroying buddhi-prescriptions in the world, and they say that “To give alms and then to have gains (捨才能得)”. The prescriptions-breaking bhiksuni (破戒比丘尼或尼姑ní-gu) wearing the worldly clothing or hǎi-cing cloths is a devil bhiksuni, they refuse to wear the colored cloth of variegating (斑)- claretPlumRed (駁)-mildew with right shoulder bared formulated by A-Budh, they refuse to use themselves bowl to beg for food with mendicancy, they abandoned one’s Buddha and dharma and buddhi-rules and buddhi-prescriptions and then they obtain fame and benefits, offerings and sufferings in the hell; this is masterpiece of fool groups, the prescriptions-breaking bhiksuni and ní-gu steal the name of Buddhism and deceive many people into three kinds of astray bystreets (害很多人入三塗), the cheating is too terrible. Every classmate! We are in accordance with the part of Experience, Priority 14 (第十四), Peacefulness-happiness Circulation Conduct(安樂行品), The Clever Law Lotus Flower Experience (妙法蓮華經)── ‘… And does not belittle or does not be proud to treat the other law-followers and the rest (亦不輕慢諸餘法師), does not chat about fine or scandal or forte or shortcomings of other people (不說他人好惡長短), to treat sravak person should not mention whose true name to speak of whose fault or evil (於聲聞人.亦不稱名.說其過惡) and should not mention whose true name to praise whose fineness, and does not have the mind of resentment or disgust (又亦不生怨嫌之心)…’. So we used some substitutive names to advise the piksus and bhiksunis and outward people of destroying dharma and buddhi-rules and buddhi-prescriptions who do not destroy dharma and buddhi-rules and buddhi-prescriptions, do not deceive living-beings into Avici Hell suffering. Nil-attainment with respect to state the part of Experience, Priority 2 (第二), Method Facility Conduct, The Clever Law Lotus Flower Experience (妙法蓮華經方便品)── ‘Budh-Home-achievement, from the One to Oneness to be difficult to be understood the performable logic and the way to extricate confluences is achieved by A-Buddha (佛所成就第一希有難解之法), only A-Buddha and A-Budh can completely understand and perform all methods and then achieve reality-photo (唯佛與佛,乃能究盡諸法實相)……’ When to listen to the part of A-Budh’s Experience with respect, it is knowable that all No-regression Bodhisattvas(avaivartika) and The Apprenticeship-budhs (辟支佛) and orhans (阿羅漢) and the rest cannot understand A-Budhs’ wisdom (佛智慧). However? Famous prescriptions-breaking piksu shi-d-qing wrote a book named the Perfection-awakement-Experience Annotation (釋德輕破戒比丘寫的圓覺經×解) that the name itself has slandered The Clever Law Lotus Flower Experience. ‘Nature (如rú) is (是shi) identity (我wǒ) learning (聞wún)’ which the Shin-Ming saying of Chinese is that A-Buddha Sakyamuni perceived one’s instincts and then found and natureifyed and buddhiifyes one’s perpetuation-body and the wisdom-body (報身 bào-shen) and the fulfillment of the wisdom-body (化身hùa-shen) and the only perpetuation-conveying (唯一佛乘wéi-yi-fό-chéng) and awakement both each others (自覺覺他zih-jiáo-jiáo-ta) and profit both each others (自利利他zìh-lì-lì-ta); A-Budh successors and Buddhists to do in accordance with morality and justice shall be in Nature and then they can widely ferry a great many confluences who can exceed all afflictions and worries. Every classmate! Treasure-Gift (藏識Zàng-Shih) is a general term, the same capacity within the scope of bright heart budh-genius (明 Míng 心 Sin 見 Jiàn 性Sing) is named Right-Logic-Discernment-Treasury (正Zhèng-法Fǎ-眼Yǎn-藏Zàng), the same capacity within the use scope of The Teacher of Devas (Heaven) and People is named Deifying-Communication-Greatness-Lighting-Treasury (神Shn-通Tong-大Dà-光Guang-明Míng-藏Zàng). The ability of perpetuation-body has own perpetuation-body and wisdom-body and the fulfillment of the wisdom-body, perpetuation-body has ‘Permanence-Calmness-Brightness-Domain (常Chng-寂J-光Guang-土Tǔ) and Real -Buddha wisdom-Domain (實Shh-報Bào-土Tǔ) and Magnificence-Treasury-Wavelife after wavelife-Buddhi cycle (華 Hu-藏Zàng-世Shih-界Jiè)’, A-Budh (The Teacher of Devas and People 天人師) buddhiifys perpetuation-body No-turning (不動) and then the mind arrives at Permanence-Calmness-Brightness-Domain’s A-Budh mind-uses-mood-buddhi cycle (佛心性境界). Every classmate! Samādhi (三昧san-mèi) is translated as buddhi-receiving (正受) right-concentration (正定). Samatha (奢摩他) is translated in Chinese as stop (止zhǐ) and quiet (寂jí). To remember and think of dharma can stop the ignorance of thoughts which is called stop. Effectuating dharma to use undertones-(陰)-company (界)-inlets (入) is named calmness or quiet. The reception of effectuating dharma is named buddhi-receiving (正受). Effectuating dharma with awakement both each other and profit both each other is named right concentration (正定). The Shin-Ming saying of samadhi buddhi-receiving is buddhi-receiving right-concentration buddhi-receiving simply. However, the big prescriptions-breaking piksu shih-dé-qing (大破戒比丘釋德輕) does not know what is perpetuation-body (不懂法身), even does not know what are samatha (奢摩他) and samadhi (三昧) and vipasyana (毘婆塞那) and Nature-action-ferrytion (禪那) and the rest, but piksu shih-dé-qing is impudent to say Nature-action (禪); in The Perfection-Awakement Experience (圓覺經) records ‘No-duality (不二), the future conduct in accordance with dharma-law by ones (隨順súi-shùn)’, but prescriptions-breaking piksu slandered Experience as the article sequence with reverse (文倒 wún-dǎo) of the opposite order and shih-dé-qing said slander words which the wording of Experience shall be written as to follow and submit without two (被謗應云隨順不二). Shih-dé-qing also wrote the slander words as “Nature-Accordance is still in samadhi (三昧) and has not yet waken up from samadhi (定); how could A-Buddha said the Experience and the rest words to destroy The Perfection-Awakement Experience (還謗寫「如來尚在三昧,未曾出定,何以有說」的毀圓覺經言說). Nil-attainment with respect to state the part of Experience, Constancy Priority 3 (卷第三), The Great Tree Kinnara-King to Ask Experience (大樹緊那羅王所問經)── ‘…… The mind in calmness is named “effectuating samadhi (心寂名為定, samadhi is Sanskrit that samadhi is translated into Chinese named 定 dìng), to know dharma is named wisement (知法名為智)……”.’. Nil-attainment with respect to state the part of Experience, Constancy updraft (卷上), The Instincts-the Infinite-Depository-Samadhi Experience (無極寶三昧經)── ‘……Two, seeing all evils, the volition leads the mind not to rise any evil that congruence is named doing Samadhi (見諸惡,意令心不起,是為定。). Three, seeing the living-beings of five kinds of bystreets are active in afflictions and then being willing to teach them far away from afflictions that congruence is named samadhi (視五道勤苦,悉欲脫之,是為定…。).’ It can be seen that what prescriptions-breaking piksu shih-dé-qing said is against A-Budh’s Experiences. He dare slander A-Budh, of course dare slander The Nature-home-Bodhisattva Lúo-Yin who preaches dharma (他都敢謗佛了,當然也會謗弘揚佛法的羅因在家菩薩). Issuing buddhi mind by ones to fulfill lustrating mind-uses with awakement both each other and profit both each other that doer can arrive at avoiding following evil ideas. If people only effectuated lustrating mind, sometime getting a bit of aberrance, it is easy that the people will follow the aberrance into the nought-think heaven. We can know that after listening with respect to A-Budh’s Experiences, we can find that prescription-breaking outward persona (破戒出家人), shih-dé-qing (釋德輕比丘) does not sincerely recite and read A-Budh’s Experiences and buddhi-rules and A-Budh-doctrine, is the persona after reading The Perfection-awakement Experience and then does not understand the meaning of words and sentence, he is a slanderer of dharma who told the error as good thing intensively (更強言是的謗法者), is a marked devil piksu, he is the stuff who will follow his doing into Avici Hell. Shih-dé-qing wrote the slandering book which is called The Perfection-awakement-Experience Annotation, the mode of destroying and slandering the dharma above appears many times, he is really diligent in slandering A-Budh, and feeling no tiredness. Shih-dé-qing prefers to copy the sentence of A-Budh’s Perfection-awakement Experience ahead into the explanatory notes of his perfection-awakement-Experience Annotation behind to explain the Experience behind, or to copy the division of A-Budh’s Perfection-awakement Experience behind into the explanatory notes of his perfection-awakement-Experience Annotation ahead to explain the Experience ahead. The words and behavior of destroying and slandering dharma and buddhi-rules and buddhi-prescriptions of tampering with A-Budh’s Experience are also appeared many times. Nil-attainment with respect to state the part of Experience, Priority 18 (第十八), Six Paramita Conduct (六波羅蜜品), The Upasaka Extinguish-wrong Experience (優婆塞戒經)── ‘The charitable man! Sometime you have heard of the words, “The persona is far away from buddhi-prescriptions that the persona cannot effectuate patience (離戒無忍), the persona cannot effectuate samadhi when persona is far away from wisdom (離智無定), for stopping above and then to say to effectuate four paramita (是故說有四波羅蜜). If person can be in endurance to treat scandal and does not retaliate that when the mind is named effectuating buddhi-prescriptions (extinguish-wrongs. 若能忍惡,不還報者,即名為戒). If person effectuates Nature-action-concentration and the coming mind also effectuates without-abandon and idleness that when the mind is effectuating wisdom (若修襌定,心不放逸,即是智慧). The mind in congruence to recur buddhi-prescriptions is effectuating endurance (是故戒即是忍), effectuating the process above is named wisetion and is named samadhi (慧即是定). If persona is far away from wisetion, when who does not effectuate right concentration(正定) or samadhi (離慧無定); if persona is far away from right concentration or samadhi, when who does not effectuate buddhi-wisdom (離定無慧). In congruence to recur buddhi-wisdom is effectuating right concentration or samadhi (是故慧即是定), to recur samadhi is increasing in buddhi-wisdom (定即是慧). If persona is far away from buddhi-prescriptions, when who does not effectuate endeavor (離戒無進); if persona is far away from endeavor, when who does not effectuate A-Budh’s words to effectuate buddhi-prescriptions (離進無戒); in congruence to recur buddhi-prescriptions is effectuating endeavor (是故戒即精進), when effectuating endeavor is effectuating buddhi-prescriptions (精進即戒). If persona is far away from buddhi-giving, when who does not effectuate endeavor (離施無進); if persona is far away from endeavor, when who does not effectuate buddhi-giving (離進無施); in congruence to recur giving is effectuating endeavor, in congruence to recur buddhi-endeavor can effectuate giving (是故施即精進,精進即施). If there is a persona to say that he does not need six paramita, whose meaning is not right. Why? To effectuate wisdom is cause, to do giving is effect (智慧是因,布施是果). To effectuate endeavor is cause, to effectuate buddhi-prescriptions (A-Budh’s words and extinguish-wrongs) is effect (精進是因,持戒是果). To effectuate samadhi is cause, to arrive at patience is effect (三昧是因,忍辱是果). Because so many causes and effects are not gathered into one (然因與果, 不得為一), therefore there are six paramitas properly (是故應有六波羅蜜). If there is a persona to say that to effectuate buddhi-prescription is effectuating patience and to effectuate patience is effectuating buddhi-prescriptions, whose meanings are not all right (或有說言:戒即是忍,忍即是戒,是義不然). Why? The buddhi-prescriptions are given from others, patience is effectuated not to be given from others, patience can be effectuated with No and Nature and congruence (戒從他得,忍不如是). There are people who have not receive buddhi-prescriptions and who can be in endurance to treat scandal (有不受戒而能忍惡), to effectuate good for helping living beings (為眾修善), to endure countless painful (忍無數苦), who in immeasurable wave-lives endured many big torments for helping living beings (無量世中代諸眾生受大苦惱), while whose mind does not repent or withdraw (心不悔退), therefore there should be patience without buddhi-prescriptions (是故離戒應有忍辱). The charitable man effectuates samadhi and when he is additionally effectuating samatha (善男子!三昧即是奢摩他也). At wisdom with vacuumizing (空) and Nil-vexation-photo (無相) and Nil-inclination (無願) Plans buddhi-vow-deed that when the mind is doing vipasyana (毘婆舍那). Samatha is that the mind with dharma in wisetion-awakement is touched by sake and then the mind is in the one and No-disorder (奢摩他名緣一、不亂), and then the mind can effectuate vipasyana voluntarily to differentiate sakes and to utilize sakes to achieve buddhi-vow-deeds (毘婆舍那名能分別)……”.’. A-Budh’s successors to perceive one’s uses, the mind with respect to learn dharma-law, the mind at buddhi receiving to use wisdom perceives undertones-company-inlets and Nature-circle(法界) and the relation of them and material-idea, sound-idea, fragrance-idea, flavor-idea, touch-idea and law-idea; and then the mind can voluntarily differentiate what is good and what is no good, at vacuumizing to use variety to treat undertones and ingatherings(蘊), at Nil-vexation-photo to treat five kinds of ideas(以無相治五塵), at Nil-inclination to effectuate at Nil to fulfill buddhi vow to treat love and request(以無願治愛求), at vacuumizing and Nil-vexation-photo and Nil-inclination to plan buddhi-vow-deeds, the way above is named “effectuating vipasyana”. A-Budh’s successors should effectuate samatha and vipasyana, should learn, think and fulfill twelve gradations of Experiences and typifications, should preach the dharma skillfully to living beings for them to effectuate great conveying or apprenticeship-budh conveying or sravak conveying(聲聞乘) or humanity-heaven conveying interestedly. Although A-Budh Successors know that the volition uses undertones(陰)-company(界)-inlets(入) and when the mind will appear all kinds of heart photos which are as illusions, nevertheless, the only way of curing illusive mental disorders is the lustrating heart-photos of fulfilling vacuumizing and Nil-vexation-photo and Nil-inclination and buddhi-vow-deeds, the scope above is named samadhi(三摩地就是三昧). Nature-action (禪), Nature-action-ferrytion (禪那), Nature-action-concentration (禪定), Nature-action-concentration paramita (禪定波羅蜜) are four phases. In buddhi-rules records, “Not to do one-seriation-evil and any evil is named Nature-action (一切惡都不做稱為禪), Nature-action is to do one-seriation-good and goods (禪是一切善奉行).”. To effectuate samatha, samadhi, Nature-action-ferrytion(禪那) is named Nature-action-concentration (實行奢摩他、三摩地、禪那、稱為禪定). Nature-action-concentration Paramita is also named Buddha paramita (禪定波羅蜜又稱為佛波羅蜜). The Teacher of Devas(Heaven) and People (天人師), A-Budh (佛) has instructed the A-Budh’s assistant Shin-Míng-Laí and said, ‘Do good deeds as possible as you can.’. About to preach dharma, to preach one’s Buddha and A-Budh’s Experiences (佛經) and buddhi-rules (律)and A-Budh-doctrine (論), to preach The Five-A-Budh-six-A-Budh Register (弘揚五步六冊) which is the exponent of the chief command (總勅) succeeding to preach the buddhi life-way (傳承本), to preach The Four-conveying-course-instruction (四乘科儀), to preach six kinds of paramita to do Buddha behavior (六度萬行) and the rest are all within the range of our ability and good deeds, so we are making effort to do them. In buddhi mind to do ritual to arrive Nil-attainment.
February 1st, Buddhist Calendar 2551 (Western Calendar 2007) Băo-An A-Budh-office, Holy-buddhism Nation Mountain(聖國山), Lόng-flower-A-Budh-education(龍華佛教), novelty-agreement(新約), touch-Nil Gate(齋門), touch-Nil teaching(齋教), Lόng-Magnificence sect, Lín-Jii purport, Buddhism. |